class stand

美 [klæs stænd]英 [klɑːs stænd]
  • 网络阶级立场
class standclass stand
  1. Lei Feng 's childhood experiences determined his clearcut class stand .


  2. When making the transition in history , people all stand in his own culture background and class stand to consider his destiny .


  3. Correctly appraise Du Fu 's attitude towards the peasants'uprising and his class stand will help us have better knowledge of Du Fu .


  4. To serve them , we must take the class stand of the proletariat and not that of the petty bourgeoisie .


  5. I think they are the problems of the class stand of the writers and artists , their attitude , their audience , their work and their study .


  6. Thus , his political ethics thought was a product of his class stand and should be scanned with a dialectical view of the historical materialism .


  7. Some comrades are worried that if they do it this way , they might lose their class stand , not understanding that class stand is manifested differently there .


  8. The appearance of this history was intimately related to the Confucian turn-back thought , the Mencius ' landlord class Stand and the Confucian philosophy of the mean .


  9. Fables of which used one-sided perspective of the ruling class stand and ignore the reality of literature too much emphasis on two aspects of the book discusses the shortcomings of fable .


  10. On Establishing a Moral System to Meet the Demand of Socialist Market Economy ; Some comrades are worried that if they do it this way , they might lose their class stand , not understanding that class stand is manifested differently there .


  11. Also , teaching guides for children as young as five suggest that the whole class should stand up and shout patriotic slogans .


  12. Class , please stand up . Hello , class .


  13. Only when the teacher dismisses the class can we stand and leave the room .


  14. Three categories of the models , tree level , diameter class level and stand level , are classified according to spatial resolution of growth models .


  15. From the model , it is possible to calculate the whole stand yield ( stand volume , merchantable volume ) as well as the yield of each diameter class of the stand .


  16. However , instead of obtaining due respect and love from the society , he is isolated by the public , especially by Dr. Holmes and Sir William , the representatives of the ruling class , who stand for isolating him from others and even preventing him from having children .


  17. Through professional development , the sustainable development capacity of the class teacher can always stand at the edge of social progress .


  18. HANDE : " When a teacher comes into the class you have to stand up and the teacher . He or she says good morning or good afternoon or something like that and you all , as a class , you answer . We don 't do this in class here . "


  19. As a thinker of the capitalist class , Rawls ' just principle obviously has its class stand and limitation of historical era .
