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  • 网络氯化等规聚丙烯
  1. Study on Synthesis of CIPP with Aqueous Method


  2. The obtained CIPP can be used to replace chlorinated polyvinyl chloride and chlorinated rubber for various corrosion protection coatings with excellent corrosion protective performance .


  3. CIPP Model and its Application to Evaluate College Curriculum for Cultural Quality Education


  4. CIPP evaluation pattern makes strong influence in the world .


  5. Evaluation of the Developmental Classroom Teaching with the Pattern of CIPP


  6. Application of CIPP Overturn Lining Technique to Restore Sewage Pipes without Excavation


  7. Resin Market Information Application to engineering of lining turnover repair technique of CIPP hoses without excavation


  8. The chlorinated isotactic polypropylene ( CIPP ) was prepared via solid state chlorination method .


  9. The core work of this thesis is the design of web-based teaching-learning tracing-evaluating model based on CIPP model and the development of such software .


  10. This research designed a systematic and integrated faculty development programme to support the teaching and evaluation of professionalism and use a CIPP ( context , input , process and product ) analysis to evaluate the programme .


  11. Crystal was destroyed completely and CIPP could be dissolved in methylbenzene ( 20wt % ) when the content of chlorine of CIPP achieved 63 % .


  12. The results showed that the properties of the raw material such as the size , melting index ( MI ) and reaction temperature , cl content are important factors to effect the dissolvability of the CIPP .


  13. Therefore , systematic introduction is given to the classification of trenchless technology for underground pipe system and structure of repaired pipeline , as well as the structural design , and performance index of the pipe with CIPP lining .


  14. The process of thermal degradation of CIPP in the N__2 atmosphere indicate that different C-Cl atoms had different effects on the thermal stability of CIPP , and the main influencing factor may be the existence of tert-carbon-chlorine atoms .
