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  • 网络联昌国际;联昌国际银行;联昌银行;联昌集团
  1. The combined measures will take government spending up to 19-19.5 per cent of gross domestic product by 2020 from the current 18.5 per cent , according to CIMB .


  2. ' Moderation in property investment will remain as the major threat to the country 's recovery , ' said Zhang Fan , economist at CIMB Securities .


  3. At CIMB , I have a lot more latitude to do something different , and there is a lot less pressure on you to show your numbers in terms of revenues .


  4. Mr Lai says one of the advantages of working at a smaller regional brokerage such as CIMB is that he was given much greater freedom in choosing what stocks to cover .


  5. While Ant Financial inked an agreement with Malaysia 's leading banks CIMB and Maybank to explore collaboration opportunities in e-payment and financing services in Malaysia .


  6. ' The local governments are given more flexibility to adjust the curbs , but they prefer to wait and see , ' says Song Seng Wun , an economist at CIMB Securities .


  7. The Chinese airlines are ' going into this faster growing segment to broaden their earnings stream , but in the medium term these new businesses won 't necessarily be very profitable to them because of the startup costs attached with the network expansion , ' said Andrew Orchard , an aviation analyst at CIMB Securities
