
  1. The enterprise information platform based on the model is charactering with initiative and high efficiency .


  2. Several methods charactering upper limit working temperature of resin matrix composites are discussed .


  3. The Charactering and Analyzing Configuration of MAX-1000 Distribute Control System


  4. And a briefing on the principles of equipment and performance parameters , used for charactering samples .


  5. Cloning and Charactering of the Gene Encoding Zinc Finger Protein from Alfalfa


  6. Network traffic analysis and modeling play a major role in charactering network performance , so it has been a focus of many researches .


  7. How to hand it form history , geography and aesthetics and creating more and more charactering architectural works .


  8. The content of S ~ ( 2 - ) in seawater is an important parameter for charactering the quality of ocean environment .


  9. Results We think the syndrome that charactering by high fever , resh and shock is an infective injure on all system of the children body .


  10. And the variation of electric field with yield stress 、 currert density etc which charactering ER property are measured with a modified rotational viscometer .


  11. Directional snake derived from Kass ' - s snake improve the detecting capability by charactering image features not only using gradient but using the directional information of gradient vector .


  12. The dissertation also shows some methods used for charactering nonlinearity of devices , such as AM-AM , AM-PM , Intermodulation Distortion and Third-order Intercept Point .


  13. The purpose of the paper is to build a module of small molecular receptor fragments charactering normal VLDL-R binding function and study the mechanism of VLDL-R binding to ligand .


  14. To deal with the problem of charactering and classifying natural textures in images , a technique was employed which is based on the fractional Brownian motion model and its covariance function .


  15. Mantle length is the most significant factor of charactering changes of the external form . The External morphology of squid organizations grows at different speed , and the growth pattern is different in different sea areas .


  16. We point out that the fuzzified axioms are necessary but not sufficient conditions any more in charactering quasi-transitive rationality in fuzzy case , which is illustrated through an example .


  17. In addition , the influences of interface between rigid particles and matrix on dynamic mechanical property , rheological behavior and stability of PVC composites were studied too . And the parameter charactering interfacial interaction was calculated .


  18. Compared with other digital identification methods , this method only deal with the structural feature extraction to image recognition and classifies them without the need for charactering size and type of standardization ,, and then get purpose of the identification .


  19. In this proposed algorithm , the MSE could be reduced via regulating the mean-value and variance of lognormal error function , and the faster convergent speed could be obtained by changing the parameters charactering the variable step size .


  20. During the reservoir description , the exact description of geologic parameter charactering is an important content of our researches , its reliability would be directly related for sequent the veraciousness of reservoir simulation rationality of deploying well pattern .


  21. The thesis introduced the interconnect parameters and the influence of process variations and the charactering method . The thesis demonstrated the layout structures 、 principle and the objective parameters of the three types of test structures which were used in charactering interconnect parameters .


  22. Based on polarization coupling principle and the instrument has been developed , six applications of testing of PMF ring and polarization passive components , principle axes alignment of PMF , beat length measurement , distributed sensing , and charactering birefringence dispersion of PMF have been realized .
