change agent
- 变更代理人;交易代理人

Change Agent and Self - organization of Complex Adaptive Organization
It is Life 's change agent .
Change agent , male , 55
It is Life 's change agent . It clears out the old to make way for the new .
The key people factors include personal attributes of the change agent , user ownership and positive user attitudes .
It is Lifes change agent . It clears out the old to make way for the new .
The primary point of contact is presumed to be the principal inside change agent for the client .
To change agent properties in this scenario , execute the following stored procedures at the distributor .
It is lifes change agent .
It 's life 's change agent , it clears out the old to make way for the new , right now , the new is you .
The role of process mentor is best achieved by an individual from outside the organization who will function as an independent and objective change agent .
I am a change agent . I have the capacity to create , understand , and shape change so that inescapable change helps my school improve .
As corporate leaders go , jobs was always the best change agent on the planet , and he was never willing to accept the status quo .
Consumers are obviously the greatest benefactors of the social and mobile movements , but the enterprise long the change agent in the technology world is also playing the game .
But the fact that they are a significant change agent that is changing the rules of the game for everything from drug discovery , agriculture , communications , media and entertainment .
Fulfilling his role as " a gracious , willing guest ," he acfts as a change agent , transforming us into Jesus'moral likeness .
Instead , an action researcher will deliberately act as a change agent within a given situation , and incorporate the effects of there actions as an integral part of the outcome of the research .
He perceives the social approach as a change agent for the introduction of transparency , ease of collaboration and destroying silos , a path to the BPM of the21st century .
And that is as it should be , because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life . It is Life 's change agent . It clears out the old to make way for the new .
On the other hand , CEOs such as Lou Gerstner at IBM , or Lee Iococca at Chrysler were brought in to be a change agent charged with dramatically transforming the organizational culture .
This article analyses the effect of change agent in the procedure of facilitating organization change , puts out specific change course and skills of complexity approach that change agent can implement , in order to guide the development and change of organization under complex circumstance .
Most existing researches of migrant workers ' representation in mass media rarely shed lighton their role as social change agent . Therefore , we could not hear their voices , or see their actions , or realize their efforts of changing mass media .
In that address , delivered after Mr. Jobs was told he had cancer but before it was clear that it would ultimately claim his life , Mr. Jobs told his audience that " death is very likely the single best invention of life . It is life 's change agent . "
If it is signed by another ID , this means some operations have been performed to change the agent .
The same plate was tested three times with original agent and new agent , using the same quality control serum , while making change of agent batch number .
If you change the agent to run more frequently than the default ( every six hours , or four times a day ), be aware that you will be putting slightly higher load on the server .
You can change when the agent runs , what server it runs on , and whether or not it runs on weekends .
Therefore , set up an advanced production process monitoring system is a necessary method to change the soak agent production status and improve the product quality of fiberglass .
High temperature , coating composition change , expansive agent happen quickly , thus forming porous expansion of insulating layer , prevent heat to the tunnel masonry relay .
The construction of expressways in the geological hazard area will activate the original geological disease because the deep cut slopes lead to the change of geologic agent .