
  • 网络查玛
  1. It 's the ancient path of Chama .


  2. The professional responsible department of the CHAMA is the Ministry of Agriculture and receives supervision by the Ministry of Civil Affairs .


  3. Establish and open the special website of the CHAMA and make it to become the home of the members of the CHAMA .


  4. The secretariat of the CHAMA is the administrative body that includes Training and Liaison Department , information Consultant Department , Secretaty Finance Department .


  5. In the process , as a religious ceremony firstly , Chama experienced a political and emotional sense decline , and then as a cultural performance in the modern renaissance .


  6. The CHAMA now has a total number of748 members of the executive council , which are all large-scale agricultural produce wholesale markets with national or regional influence .


  7. Collect and analyze the information of the agricultural produce market both at home and abroad , predict the trend of market , and provide information service for members of the CHAMA in various means .


  8. Shaxi village was a crucial node on chama gudao , the ancient Tea and Horse Caravan Route , which is less famous than the Silk Road but arguably of equal importance in terms of what it did for cultural and economic exchange .
