centripetal acceleration
- 向心加速度

And so you need a certain centripetal acceleration to go around in that curve .
But there is nothing to provide that centripetal acceleration .
The component of centripetal acceleration and gravity is also given under the accelerometer coordinate .
And that centripetal acceleration D is a must for this object to reach that point D.
Notice that the acceleration , the centripetal acceleration is linear in r.
And we can calculate now what the centripetal acceleration is .
The side of the glass and the liquid is pushing in this direction to provide this centripetal acceleration .
R and therefore , you require centripetal acceleration towards the center & that is non-negotiable .
It is called the centripetal acceleration .
So what I get now is must be m times the centripetal acceleration Hey ! That looks very familiar .
This ball is feeling a pull from the string and that provides it with the centripetal acceleration .
I 'm going to make a connection between centripetal acceleration and perceived gravity The way that you perceive gravity .
The SAW accelerometer was calibrated using the relationship between the rotating speed of the centrifugal machine and its centripetal acceleration .
Here establish five coordinate systems to calculate the relationship between attitude matrix , get the centripetal acceleration and gravity acceleration on the three axes .
The precision of centripetal acceleration and the attitude of centrifuge has a bearing on calibrating precision of the tested accelerometer .
Now I 'm going to swing you faster , so the v will go up and so the centripetal acceleration will go up .
Do not confuse ever the tangential acceleration , which is along the circumference , with a centripetal acceleration .
The string forms the connection between the rotating disc and the ball and therefore , the pull is responsible for the centripetal acceleration .
There is a requirement that there is a centripetal acceleration , which is in this direction , a centripetal .
Therefore , you cannot escape the conclusion that the centripetal acceleration which is the result of gravity , falls off as one over R squared .
And then I take omega squared times the mean distance to the sun and this is , of course , the centripetal acceleration .
The experimental results also show that centripetal acceleration of MWNT films exhibites a well linear behavior with strain under low strain ( beneath 0.7 × 10-6 ) .
In addition , it is found that the separation of inner Cavity and ventilating pipe is linearly related to the centripetal acceleration and turbulence intensity using Regression Analysis .
So what I did was I plotted this data , the centripetal acceleration versus the mean distance to the sun and I did that on log paper .
Since omega is the same for the entire motion you really have to look at this equation and you see that the centripetal acceleration is proportional with r.
We have discussed that earlier when we dealt with the planets , and we dealt with uniform circular motions , and we evaluated the centripetal acceleration .
And the centripetal acceleration the magnitude r is v squared divided by r , r which is therefore also omega squared r , is in meters per second squared .
And that centripetal acceleration , as we remember from when we played with the bucket of water , v ^ 2 / r that is v squared divided by R.