
  • 网络电脑辅助电话访问系统;电脑辅助电话调查
  1. The Design of the System of Management of Student 's Result of Testing in CATI


  2. An Index for Supporting XML Structural Join Efficiently and Effectively - CATI


  3. Conclusions CATI survey is a simple and feasible investigation method to understand community residents common cold morbidity .


  4. Chapter 1 carries on the outline to CATI .


  5. Thirdly , we establish a space frame from horizontal and vertical dimensions to study and evaluate the Market Structure of CATI .


  6. Chinese Civil Aviation Transportation Industry ( CATI ) as a Monopolistic Industry , its further Deregulation also seems urgent .


  7. The experimental results show that the performance of the CATI based structural join has significant improvement gains over the stack-tree based join .


  8. Chapter 4 states the development tendency of marketization and privatization of CATI , and further explains the relation between them .


  9. Furthermore , the surroundings among which CATI exists are remarked and some forecasts about Regulation structural reforms and adjustments of Regulation policies in future are made .


  10. Chapter 2 mainly analyzes the industrial organization situation of CATI from three respects of market structure , market behavior and market performance ; and points out that CATI has entered oligopoly competition stage .


  11. At first , describes the development of CATI in recent years , then analyzes economic characteristics and technological characteristics of CATI , and states economic characteristics ' influence and decision affects on monopoly and competitiveness industry 's nature .


  12. Objective To introduce behavior risk factors surveillance system based on random digit dialing ( RDD ) and computer-assisted telephone interview ( CATI ) in Shenzhen and to discuss appropriate health promotion strategies based on the behavior risk factors .


  13. We also comment the effects of Deregulation in CATI from three aspects & Market Structure , Market Conduct and Market Performance . By this evaluation for processing of Deregulation we summarize that the firms supervised by government is the syndrome of these problems .
