capital reserves

美 [ˈkæpɪtl rɪˈzɜːrvz]英 [ˈkæpɪtl rɪˈzɜːvz]
  • 资本公积;资本准备金
capital reservescapital reserves
  1. By developing savings and capital reserves , tax plays an important role in economic growth .


  2. This would boost banks ' capital reserves while also providing a brake on growth in new lending .


  3. The new Stanford-StartX investments are funded by the hospital 's and university 's capital reserves and have no limit .


  4. The French group is desperate to lower its over-dependence on the moribund European car market and is rapidly burning through its capital reserves .


  5. More important , he knew that , as an insurance company , AIG was not subject to the same burdensome rules on capital reserves as banks .


  6. New financial protections are in place for consumers even as the capital reserves required of financial institutions have been substantially increased and student lending has been streamlined .


  7. The gradual breakaway from agriculture by the rural population has further intensified these differences , leaving the farming population has the lowest human capital reserves in all the industries .


  8. At a time when banks are under pressure to sell assets to rebuild their capital reserves , a minority shareholding in a large Chinese bank would seem an obvious candidate for disposal .


  9. Plunging markets and the credit freeze have led to banks and insurers writing down billions in the value of their holdings , crushing profits and undermining capital reserves .


  10. Standard Chartered is planning a $ 3bn rights issue to boost the emerging markets bank 's capital reserves and ease investors ' concerns about its ability to weather a severe economic downturn .


  11. This was the deal that launched Sir Fred and RBS on a path of acquisition-fuelled growth and persuaded executives that they could stretch the bank 's capital reserves to absorb ever-larger targets .


  12. The long-awaited sale of the fast-growing fund management business will boost Barclays ' capital reserves as the bank seeks to strengthen its balance sheet to help it weather further losses that arise from the global economic downturn .


  13. Wall Street executives argue that preferred shares and similar instruments that are a cross between bonds and equities are in demand from retail investors and provide companies with a cheap and efficient way to replenish their capital reserves .


  14. Investors consider the following documents as key information for their decision making-annual reports , announcements on profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserves , prospectus for IPOs and secondary public offerings and pronouncement on shares issue .


  15. But the concern is that , with non-performing loan rates running at close to 8 per cent at Bankia and at a still elevated 4 per cent at Santander and BBVA , Spanish losses could eat into those capital reserves .


  16. The insurer solvency is mainly assured by the capital and reserves . Capital has duality .


  17. The conclusion says : the industrial structure and the accumulation of human capital and reserves have a major impact on the ability to undertake the development of the city .


  18. China has capital controls and reserves of almost $ 4tn , making a currency collapse unthinkable .


  19. Have a lot of capital and land reserves of the large real estate enterprises are eager to uphold social responsibility , take a cost management Road mature sound .


  20. Alliance Human Capital Limited also reserves the right to suspend or close this website at any time in its absolute discretion without giving any reason or prior notice .


  21. China 's foreign exchange reserves posted their third-largest monthly decline on record last month , central bank data showed yesterday , renewing worries about capital outflows after reserves had appeared to stabilise .


  22. A big reason is because commercial banks which still intermediate about three quarters of all capital have excess reserves and are therefore insensitive to interest rates ( as , of course , are state-owned enterprises ) .


  23. In the problems of using foreign capital and external reserves , industrial setup , preferential policies and using domestic capital , we should make sure of the positive effect of using foreign capital to our economic development and also we should consider the problems when we use it .


  24. In the event of increase of capital stock by capital reserves , the legal procedure implemented and relative resolution shall be stated ;


  25. I think the basic cushions in the system capital , liquidity , reserves , were too thin and procyclical in their effects .


  26. The Chinese are very hungry for natural resources , while Latin America is rich in resources and needs capital to develop its reserves , he says .


  27. The Basel III international agreement on capital standards more than triples the broad capital reserves that banks must maintain , limits leverage and provides strong incentives to move out of certain businesses .


  28. The ownership capital of the credit union as mentioned in the previous shall be included shares , dormant account , capital reserves , reserves , special reserves , undistributed net income and net income for the year .
