canonical process

美 [kəˈnɑːnɪkl ˈprɑːses]英 [kəˈnɒnɪkl ˈprəʊses]
  • 网络规范过程;典型过程
canonical processcanonical process
  1. Uncertain differential equation is a type of differential equation driven by canonical process .


  2. The CobiT framework includes a maturity model that allows an organization to make judgments about how well it controls the CobiT canonical process set .


  3. Gaussian measures on white noise space are defined as probability measures such that under which the canonical process is a Gaussian process . The properties of Gaussian measures on white noise space are discussed , and the application to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup is given .


  4. Canonical implementation of algorithmic process


  5. The solution is to convert documents to canonical form ( a process called " canonicalization ( c14n )") before signature , text comparison , or any other such operation .
