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美 [ˈkænɪŋ]英 [ˈkænɪŋ]
  • v.炒…的鱿鱼;让…卷铺盖走人;把(食品)装罐保存
  • n.(盛食品或饮料的)金属罐;一罐(的量);塑料容器;喷雾罐
  • adj.罐头加工的;装罐头的
  • can的现在分词




  • 2
    MODAL (表示某事物的特点)能够,可以
    You use can when you are mentioning a quality or fact about something which people may make use of if they want to.

    Pork is also the most versatile of meats. It can be roasted whole or in pieces...


  • 3
    MODAL (表示有能力或机会)能,会,可以
    You use can to indicate that someone has the ability or opportunity to do something.

    Don't worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself...


  • 4
    MODAL (用于否定句,表示情况不允许)不能,无法
    You use cannot to indicate that someone is not able to do something because circumstances make it impossible for them to do it.

    People who can't afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches...


  • 5
    MODAL 有可能;有时会
    You use can to indicate that something is true sometimes or is true in some circumstances.

    ...long-term therapy that can last five years or more...


  • 6
    MODAL (用于否定句,表示确信某事不真实或不会发生)不可能,不会
    You use cannot and can't to state that you are certain that something is not the case or will not happen.

    From her knowledge of Douglas's habits, she feels sure that the attacker can't have been Douglas...


  • 7
    MODAL (表示允许)可以
    You use can to indicate that someone is allowed to do something. You use cannot or can't to indicate that someone is not allowed to do something.

    You must buy the credit life insurance before you can buy the disability insurance...


  • 8
    MODAL 不行;不能;不该
    You use cannot or can't when you think it is very important that something should not happen or that someone should not do something.

    It is an intolerable situation and it can't be allowed to go on...


  • 9
    MODAL (通常用于疑问句,表示建议或提议帮忙)能
    You use can, usually in questions, in order to make suggestions or to offer to do something.

    What can I do around here?...


  • 10
    MODAL (用于疑问句时,can 表示礼貌的请求,而 can't 表示强烈请求)
    You use can in questions in order to make polite requests. You use can't in questions in order to request strongly that someone does something.

    Can I have a look at that?...


  • 11
    MODAL (用于有礼貌地打断,或引导要说的话)能,可以
    You use can as a polite way of interrupting someone or of introducing what you are going to say next.

    Can I interrupt you just for a minute?...


  • 12
    MODAL (与 imagine, think, believe 等动词连用,用来加强语气)能
    You use can with verbs such as 'imagine', 'think', and 'believe' in order to emphasize how you feel about a particular situation.

    You can imagine he was terribly upset...


  • 13
    MODAL (与 how 一起用于疑问句,表示感受强烈)能,能够
    You use can in questions with 'how' to indicate that you feel strongly about something.

    How can you complain about higher taxes?...


  • 14
    can, could 和 be able to 都可以表示某人有能力做某事, 后接动词原形。can 和 be able to 的现在式指现在, 不过 can 更常见: They can all read and write (他们都能读会写), The snake is able to catch small mammals (蛇能捕捉小型哺乳动物)。用 could 或 be able to 的过去式表示过去, will 或 shall 与 be able to 连用指将来。表示特定时间做某事时, 用 be able to: After treatment he was able to return to work (经过治疗, 他又能上班了)。can 和 could 可用来谈论可能性, could 指特定场合, can 指较一般的情况: Many jobs could be lost (可能会失去许多工作岗位), Too much salt can be harmful (食盐过多会有害处)。谈论过去则用 could have 加过去分词: It could have been much worse (原本会更糟糕)。表示规则或获准做某事, 可用 can 指现在, could 指过去: They can leave at any time (他们随时可以离开)。注意, 表示请求时, can 和 could 都能用: Can I have a drink (给我来杯饮料好吗), Could we put the fire on (我们可以把火点上吗)。然而, 提建议时总用 could: You could phone her and ask (你可以打电话给她问问看)。


  • 1
    N-COUNT (盛放食品、饮料或油漆的)罐子,金属罐,听
    A can is a metal container in which something such as food, drink, or paint is put. The container is usually sealed to keep the contents fresh.

    Several young men were kicking a tin can along the middle of the road.


  • 2
    VERB 将(食物、饮料)装罐保存
    When food or drink is canned, it is put into a metal container and sealed so that it will remain fresh.

    ...fruits and vegetables that will be canned, skinned, diced or otherwise processed...


  • 3
    N-SING 厕所
    The can is the toilet.

  • 4
    VERB 解雇;开除
    If you are canned, you are dismissed from your job.

    The extremists prevailed, and the security minister was canned...


  • 5
    See also:canned

  • 6
    PHRASE 承担所有指责;代人受过
    If you have to carry the can, you have to take all the blame for something.

    We are a luxury restaurant and if people have a bad experience, we have to carry the can.


  • 7
    PHRASE 完成了的;完结的
    If you say that something such as a job that you are doing is in the can, you mean that it is completely finished.

    With another day's work in the can, Philip is happy to leave the open countryside and head for his London flat.


  1. Canning is a natural extension of the planting she does .


  2. " I try and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar , " Loe said .


  3. Loe is a master food preserver , gardener and canning expert .


  4. " Canning for me is about knowing what 's in your food , knowing where it comes from . "


  5. Design of Control and Management Integration System of Canning Industry Based on Web Services


  6. The following information shows a apple canning process .


  7. Two ways to keep fish for future use are canning and freezing .


  8. This greatly affects their value , especially for canning .


  9. Canned Fish Production Line , and Pineapple Canning Production Line .


  10. Study on the Technique of Red Lotus Canning


  11. English is a language , our learning it be for canning use , can say it .


  12. An Analysis of Genetic Trend of Some Traits in Canning Yellow Peaches


  13. A preliminary study on the breeding of canning Tomato Cultivars


  14. Introduction of yellow pulp peach and its canning storage properties


  15. The Bacteria-Free Canning Automatic Control System for Tomato-Jam Automatic Production Line


  16. There were many huge trees like this in the Fort Canning Park .


  17. Breeding of New Yellow Peach Variety Red Star Used for Fresh Eating and Canning Processing


  18. I 'll give my old friend Hugh canning a ring .


  19. Well , because I 'm dying in that canning factory .


  20. Shrub of southeastern United States grown commercially especially for canning industry .


  21. Heat Resistance of Microorganisms Important in Canning


  22. Won 't Canning and David Lee come after the rest ?


  23. Canning and freezing are not be the only ways to keep fish for future use .


  24. Mechanical canning time for liquid materials varies with different methods of canning and batching .


  25. Breeding of a new cultivar " round red " of tomato for canning


  26. Our special canning process seals the flavor in .


  27. The person who doubt everything , a thing for believing eye canning see .


  28. What was the very first name of Fort canning ?


  29. You are currently working in a canning factory ?


  30. The processing technique of passion fruit juice by belt style press and aseptic canning
