
  • n.有线电视;有线电视台
  1. Cablevision 8 hopes to allow customers to buy things with their remote controls early next year .


  2. With the launch of interactive advertising , " many of the dollars that went to the Internet will come back to the TV , " says David Kline of Cablevision .


  3. So the news that Cablevision , an American cable company , was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism .


  4. New York 's Attorney General 's office launched an investigation in the fall into whether or not Verizon , Cablevision and Time Warner are delivering broadband that 's as fast as the providers claim it is .


  5. China to set up national cablevision network .


  6. So far , Thomas hasn 't hurt Cablevision 's stock prices .


  7. It was a subsidiary of Cablevision until spun off as a publicly traded company in July 2011 .


  8. A few candidates : cablevision , Halliburton , and American Eagle Outfitters .


  9. When the project of cablevision underground envelopment engineering is put into practice , we should first evaluate the expenses of the project according to digging the ground , concrete envelopment and so on .


  10. The current thinking revolves around cablevision introducing a quarterly dividend and spinning off some businesses & the most logical candidates being its rainbow programming unit and Madison Square Garden .


  11. As long as Cablevision chairman Charles Dolan allows his son to continue overseeing the Garden , there are no saviors for the Knicks .


  12. Cablevision ( CVC ) and Time Warner Cable ( TWC ) offer apps that replicate all or part of subscribers ' live-tv lineup on mobile devices .


  13. Cablevision says Fox , a division of News Corp. , is asking for more than $ 150 million a year for those channels and others , up from $ 70 million a year it paid until their deal expired recently .
