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  • 网络碳14
  1. Convergent beam electron diffraction study of C14 type Laves phase in GH 302 alloy


  2. Studies of some properties of alkaline cellulase from Bacillus sp. C14


  3. Spore-pollen analysis and C14 dating of bottom sediments in western part of the central Pacific


  4. The results show that the alloys is composed of BCC phase and C14 Laves phase .


  5. Determination of C14 concentration in the kerosene dissolvent of vaporizer mosquito liquid FLUID THERAPY


  6. C14 So it 's got some concentration of14C that came from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .


  7. From C5 to C14 , slowly I became a good English speaker and a more confident teenager .


  8. The results show that these alloys are composed of C14 Laves phase matrix with hexagonal structure and C15 Laves second phase with cubic structure .


  9. Results show that all the alloys consist of a V-based solid solution main phase with bcc structure and a C14 laves secondary phase with hexagonal structure .


  10. The change of amount solubilized may be explained in terms of the aggregation numbers of C14 BE micelle decreased in the presence of PVP .


  11. The geological cause of the mixed layer and its distributing characters are defined by spore pollen analysis , scanning electron microscope and C14 isotope test in this paper .


  12. Results indicate that the average molecular weight of the petroleum acids is about 490 . The C14 ~ C16 components cover nearly 50 % in total petroleum acids .


  13. ECAs of vitamin E acetate on saturated fatty acids were present in order C14 > C17 > 0 > C18 > C16 .


  14. The phthalic C14 mono ester were prepared by the reaction of tetradecanol with phthalic anhydride in cyclohexane , and sodium phthalate .


  15. Polyunsaturated fatty acid and C14 ~ C18 saturated fatty acid are predominant , suggesting that plankton is the main source of POM in the Daya Bay .


  16. The potency and the number of type I colony decreased after subculture . The high yielding property of C14 strain is not stable , and the C14 strain also needs natural selecting and further improving .


  17. The results indicate that the microstructure of the AB_2 alloy is composed of main C15 Laves phase with cubic structure , the minor C14 Laves phase with hexagonal crystal structure and non-Laves phases .


  18. C14 Laves phase also works as an electrochemical catalyst for the V base solid solution phase , which enhances the use of V base solid solution phase to make electrochemical properties of Ti-V base multiphase hydrogen storage electrode alloys preferable .


  19. Based on the field investigations and C14 datings of 25 specimens , the problems about the division and correlation of the Late Quaternary stratigraphy and the recent tectonic movement in the region of the Luanhe River Delta were discussed .


  20. The results showed that F1 and C14 promoted fruit expansion , and advanced flesh soluble sugar content and ratio of sugar and acid or Vitamin C content . Moreover , Neither of them lead to ( decrease ) of flesh firmness and soluble solid content .


  21. C3 , C7 , and C14 groups : the chronic sciatic nerve constriction ( CCI ) model was established , the mechanical pain threshold was measured and the samples were obtained on the 3rd , 7th , 14th postoperative day , respectively .


  22. It is found by XRD analysis that the alloy mainly consists of C14 Laves phase with hexagonal structure and V-based solid solution phase with BCC structure . The rapid solidification leads to the decrease in content of the C14 Laves phase in the alloy .


  23. The alkylation of benzene with long chain alkenes , basically in the range of C10 to C14 , is performed in the manufacture of linear alkylbenzene ( LAB ), an important intermediate used in the production of biodegradable surfactant in detergency sector .


  24. The serum free fatty acid ( FFA ) spectrum were measured in 33 patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma ( PHC ) by gas chromatography . The spectrum of FFA ( from C14 ∶ 0 to C22 ∶ 6 n-3 ) in PHC patients were abnormal .
