
  1. The plane was a modified version of the C-130 .


  2. As if that were not enough , a Brazilian C-130 Hercules military transport plane has remained stranded near the runway of Chile 's air base here since it crash-landed in 2014 .


  3. Officials say all 96 passengers and crew the C-130 aircraft are now accounted for .


  4. Once in theater , we operated seamlessly with active duty counterparts as a single integrated C-130 operation .


  5. This C-130 plane has been carrying out regular search and rescue missions since flight MH - 370 disappeared .


  6. The mammals can be deployed via C-130 cargo aircraft to perform their missions anywhere in the world within 72 hours .


  7. Watchkeeper being loaded on a C-130 transport aircraft .


  8. C-130 Hercules fly in survivors , all shell-shocked from what they 've just lived through .


  9. Spokesman Casey said U.S.Air Force C-130 cargo planes made five flights Thursday carrying bottled water , plastic sheeting , mosquito netting and other items .


  10. The storm killed at least 123 people , and yesterday , US Marine Corps C-130 cargo plane flew into Taiwan just to plastic tarps for shelter .


  11. In 1991 , a C-130 aircraft crashed there when its pilot misjudged his altitude and brought his plane down 19 miles short of the runway .


  12. Time for the " Shoutout . " U-2 , C-130 N3N are all examples of what ?


  13. By the 19th there were air-drops of weapons , ammunitions and medical supplies by C-130 transports . Some ground lost to IS was recovered .


  14. For Adjutant Joris Retty , a C-130 Hercules loadmaster from the Belgium air force , this year marks his third rodeo .


  15. The mammals can be deployed via C-130 cargo aircraft to perform their missions anywhere in the world within 72 hours . They have been used in exercises from Alaska to Hawaii , operating in great temperature and environmental ranges .


  16. The importance of target classification for military application is described . Some neural net - work models and relative topics for target identification are introduced . The results of computer simulation for three aircraft models ( B-52 , C-130 , C-5A ) identification are given .


  17. The aircraft range from tiny one-seat propeller planes to jetliners and a U.S. Coast Guard Lockheed C-130 Hercules -- a four-engine turboprop transport -- that crashed off the California coast in 2009 .


  18. Argentina has marked the 31st anniversary of the Argentine Air Force 's involvement in the 1982 Malvinas War with Britain . A moment of silence was observed while C-130 Hercules aircraft belonging to the Argentine Air Force flew overhead .


  19. Flanagan , a former lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy , said he flew C-130 transport aircraft in support of Operation Deep Freeze in Antarctica and P-3 Orions ( maritime surveillance aircraft ) for 20 years before joining United in 1986 .
