
美 [bʌts]英 [bʌts]
  • n.借口;推辞
  • but的复数



  • 1
    CONJ-COORD 可是;但是;然而
    You use but to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said, or to introduce something which adds to what you have just said.

    'You said you'd stay till tomorrow.' — 'I know, Bel, but I think I would rather go back.'...


  • 2
    CONJ-COORD 但是;不过
    You use but when you are about to add something further in a discussion or to change the subject.

    They need to recruit more people into the prison service. But another point I'd like to make is that many prisons were built in the nineteenth century.


  • 3
    CONJ-COORD (用于表示歉意)但是
    You use but after you have made an excuse or apologized for what you are just about to say.

    Please excuse me, but there is something I must say...


  • 4
    CONJ-COORD (引出下文,表示惊讶、难以置信、拒绝或抗议)但是,可是
    You use but to introduce a reply to someone when you want to indicate surprise, disbelief, refusal, or protest.

    'I don't think I should stay in this house' — 'But why?'...


  • 5
    PREP 除了
    But is used to mean 'except'.

    Europe will be represented in all but two of the seven races...


  • 6
    ADV 仅仅;只;才
    But is used to mean 'only'.

    This is but one of the methods used to try and get alcoholics to give up drink.


  • 7
    N-PLURAL 借口;托词
    You use buts in expressions like 'no buts' and 'ifs and buts' to refer to reasons someone gives for not doing something, especially when you do not think that they are good reasons.

    'B-b-b-b-but' I stuttered. — 'Never mind the buts,' she ranted...


  • 8
    PHRASE 不得不;非…不可;必然
    You use cannot but ,could not but, and cannot help but when you want to emphasize that you believe something must be true and that there is no possibility of anything else being the case.

    The pistol was positioned where I couldn't help but see it...


  • 9
    PHRASE 倘没有;要不是
    You use but for to introduce the only factor that causes a particular thing not to happen or not to be completely true.

    ...the small square below, empty but for a delivery van and a clump of palm trees...


  • 10
    PHRASE (表示与前面说过的话略有矛盾)不过,然而
    You use but then or but then again before a remark which slightly contradicts what you have just said.

    My husband spends hours in the bathroom, but then again so do I.


  • 11
    PHRASE (表示前述事情并不奇怪)不过,但是
    You use but then before a remark which suggests that what you have just said should not be regarded as surprising.

    He was a fine young man, but then so had his father been...


  • 12
    all but→ see:all

  1. With so many ifs and buts , it is easier to wait and see .


  2. There are still a lot of ifs and buts before everything 's settled .


  3. He committed a crime , no ifs or buts about it .


  4. ' B-b-b-b-but ' I stuttered . — ' Never mind the buts , ' she ranted


  5. Her world is full   of " buts … " .


  6. Rufus : No buts . I had a great time this summer .


  7. I want no ifs and buts ― just pay the money now .


  8. For new machines or techniques are not merely a product , buts source , of fresh creative idea .


  9. Not so many buts , please .


  10. His argument contains too many ifs and buts .


  11. Yet it is hard to get excited about a revival based on so many ifs and buts .


  12. A competent person has to ifs and buts in his vocabulary .


  13. I don 't want ifs and buts ; swallow your medicine at once .


  14. No buts . hurry , before I 'm forced to kill again !


  15. Let 's have no ifs and buts , I 'm determined to proceed with the plan .


  16. We 're going to visit your aunt tomorrow and there 'll be no buts about it .


  17. I don 't want any ifs and buts - swallow your medicine at once .


  18. These are my orders , and I want you to but me no buts , just get along and do as I say .


  19. I 'm tired of all your ifs and buts .


  20. Buts , it will produce big current when starting directly ; usually the current can reach 5-7 times of nominal , sometimes the current even reach 15 times .


  21. Now I 'm not having any ifs and buts it 's cold showers for everyone before breakfast tomorrow .


  22. Global Positioning System ( GPS ) can provide high-precision position and velocity data , buts its output frequency is low , and when there are obstacles , GPS will lose signal .


  23. We 've both seen the reports and I don 't think there are any ifs , ands , or buts about it .


  24. Mom ! - No buts . You choose the toys you want to donate , I 'll drop them off at Sunnyside . -


  25. Some good sources of protein include chicken , fish , lean meat , low-fat dairy , buts and nut butters . Include supplements to your daily routine .


  26. If you say you will take action , you have promised to do it with no excuses -- no ifs , ands or buts .


  27. Based on analyzing the reasons of incoordination between the quality of sci-tech development and the quality of economic growth in Shanxi Province , this paper buts forward some suggestions about accelerating the coordinative development of the two sides .


  28. But me no buts .


  29. Sheldon : If " Ifs " And " Buts " Were candy and nuts , we 'd all have a merry Christmas.Think about that , Dr. Tyson .


  30. Even as pundits continue to weigh up the renminbi , debating the ' IFS ' and ' buts ' and worrying about market bubbles and slowing Chinese growth , the currency is being adopted apace , driven by real business demand .
