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美 [ˈbʌsɪz]英 [ˈbʌsɪz]
  • v.(在餐厅里)收(盘子),清理(桌子);用公共汽车运送;用校车送(学生往外区就读,使不同种族的学生一起受教育)
  • n.公共汽车(bus 的复数)
  • bus的第三人称单数;buss的第三人称单数和复数



  • 2
    N-COUNT 公共汽车;巴士;大客车
    A bus is a large motor vehicle which carries passengers from one place to another. Buses drive along particular routes, and you have to pay to travel in them.

    He missed his last bus home...


  • 3
    V-ERG 用大客车运送;乘坐公共汽车
    When someone is bussed to a particular place or when they bus there, they travel there on a bus.

    On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin...


  • 4
    VERB 用校车送
    In some parts of the United States, when children are bused to school, they are transported by bus to a school in a different area so that children of different races can be educated together.

    Many schools were in danger of closing because the children were bused out to other neighborhoods.


  • The courts ordered busing to desegregate the schools.


  1. In this paper the harmonic power flow of power systems with rectifier busses is studied .


  2. Automobile , trains , planes and busses need energy , too .


  3. I find the busses are kept cleaner than the subway .


  4. For example , trucks and busses are well suited for these purposes .


  5. Generally in busses and trains I think that peoples manners have improved in many ways .


  6. We might have to change busses .


  7. Wave at kids on school busses .


  8. They reach weights of thousands of tons , and some are the size of school busses .


  9. Are you driving or taking busses ?


  10. The testing results indicate the LNG bus has good driving performance and effluent index , and meets the application requirements of busses .


  11. EDA has been painted as a specialized activity involving low-latency busses and the like to support complex near real-time events .


  12. Accidents caused by trucks and busses are more and more common as drivers are forced to work more and more hours .


  13. Busses in ditches , semitrailers jack-knifed causing a number of injuries .


  14. We could miss our busses and trains , we might be late for appointments , late for work and most importantly , not catch our favorite television program .


  15. The following advantages are obtained f Busses limited in a single board , two stage adiministration by serial ports , digital system with no relation to analog system in electricity , simple construction and high speed .


  16. Now , with mixed emotions , those relatives in the busses , before driving home , must look up at our plane and imagine the moment that we were sent to the sky .


  17. People boarded the busses , with engines roaring , one by one , while the family members , who had come to see them off , were put in other China made buses , following behind us .


  18. The maximum number of serial computations , which is a measure of the processing time , is approximately proportional to logN , where N is the number of busses or nodes in the power system .


  19. In the case of the bus-transit system , the coordinators can adjust the number of busses on the same route based on the number of people taking that bus at a particular time of the day .


  20. Bomb busses or immolate themselves .


  21. The upgrading method , starting from the rationality of losses allocation and load flow deviation , selects the busses and value of shunt susceptances to be perturbed . It makes the calculation of full bus impedance matrix of arbitrary distribution networks reliable .


  22. First stage , regarded the equivalent injections at the boundary busses and equivalent admittance between the boundary busses as the equivalent parameters , establish the simplified ward equivalent circuit of two-port external network and build N-time least squares estimation model of equivalent parameters .


  23. With the rapid improvement of city and fast development of economy , the urban traffic for citizen is becoming more and more crowded . The government has invested much in order to better the communication condition , such as building subway and separating the express and adding more busses .
