business rules engine

business rules enginebusiness rules engine
  1. This paper illustrated the mechanism of Business Rules engine , which played a decisive role in business rule .


  2. Support for XML in Rational Rapid Developer enabled the development team to easily integrate the business rules engine into the overall solution .


  3. Business Rules Engine is used by BizTalk to load the current policies which are a collection of Rules from the Orchestration .


  4. State of the art business rules engine builds complex sensor business processes , reducing deployment time while increasing processing flexibility and control at the same time


  5. Clearly in a real world scenario , an external business rules engine , such as ILOG Rules , might be used to externalize this business logic .


  6. This means that WCF developers can take advantage of BizTalk Server capabilities such as the orchestration engine and the business rules engine to automate service routing .


  7. When you have implemented the business rules into the rule engine , the final step is to ensure that the coded rules match against the requirements .


  8. The problem historically that has hindered the widespread adoption of business rules in the enterprise is how do you integrate a business rules engine within your applications .


  9. A Business Rule Task represents an activity that is to be performed by a business rules engine of some kind .
