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  • 网络商业;布斯;不死
  1. Busi Jing for the beach , transformation , construction sites , mines and transformation .


  2. Business clusters have cluster effect , and technology business incubators have the characteristics of busi - ness cluster .


  3. A compatible system is one that works smoothly with the busi - ness 's operations , personnel , and organizational structure .


  4. The ontology idea in the field of the business process management was adopted , the construction of the busi - ness process ontology was discussed .


  5. Qiao Busi thinks , malic life and death lives or die in the hand that grasps in consumer .


  6. Hibernate provides lightweight object encapsulation for JDBC , and decreases the difficulty for developing the part of busi - ness model .


  7. With the im ­ provement in economic conditions , companies are looking to support growth and innovation in their busi ­ nesses and see cloud solutions as a way to help .


  8. Quick Generation of DSS Economic Analysis and Busi - ness Planning in Jinchuan Non - ferous Company ── Applica - tion ⅱ of UCP - IDSS Generating Environment


  9. With the development of cyber-economy , cyber-marketing has become an inevitable busi - ness topic . As a new technology or means , it has been attached to more and more importance .


  10. Benchmark Real Busi - ness Cycle theories , however , analyze the dynamic effects of government purchase shocks on consumption , labor force , output level from an aspect of supply side , wealth effects and intertemporal substitution of labor force .


  11. ENV algorithm based on Chinese Synonym Dictionary and WordNet , generates Extended Name Vector set that contains English synonyms , Chinese synonyms and their synonyms , combinations or abbreviations according to entity of Busi - ness Data Catalog .


  12. This article sketches the thought of the business process reengineering at first , Then analyses the role in business administration of the information technology and the integration of the busi - ness process reengineering with information technology , finally describes sale management subsystem of SIDA company briefly .
