
  • 网络烧毁
  1. Encourages thinking ( why was the burndown high / low on that day ?)


  2. " Burndown / up chart " is discussed as a powerful technique .


  3. The easiest way to display the Sprint Burndown report is to


  4. The updated status makes it possible to generate a Sprint Burndown chart .


  5. The burndown rate should be easily visible to all of the team all of the time .


  6. The burndown chart shows the amount of work remaining in the project in a graphical manner .


  7. Burndown Charts and Parking Lot Charts can be drawn using the information of daily changing Kanban Boards .


  8. The team can also use burndown reports to keep track of how work is progressing and to view the history of their progress .


  9. Continually update the Sprint Burndown Report


  10. The team created tracking tickets for all development work items and generated burndown charts ( among other reports ) for the sprints .


  11. Note that between Kanban Boards , Burndown Charts , and Parking Lot Charts , Kanban Boards have the most detailed information .


  12. A " Task Kanban " is at the lowest level , showing the current changing status daily , which may be supported by a daily Burndown Chart .


  13. I can also access work item reports that track trends on new work items , closed , sprint burndown and release burndown , which are extremely useful to tracking my teams .


  14. You can add reports , such as a burndown report , and queries , such as " Open Assigned to Me " and " Recently Modified ," to your Favorites folder .


  15. A " Story Kanban " is at the middle level , the most widely and carefully seen in each iteration by the team , and it may be supported by an iteration Burndown Chart .


  16. The team implemented daily stand-up meetings and burndown charts , but chose not to adopt components to enable inspection , such as sprint planning , sprint review , and retrospective meetings .
