- n.(做麻袋用的)粗麻布

I glanced at the empty water bowl . My memory flashed back to the five skunks that last week had torn the burlap from a leaking pipe in a frenzied effort to reach water during the final agonies of rabies .
The mall was like a burlap bag to me . I didn 't want to be in it .
I 'll tell you , just moments ago we were walking around the dock and actually found this burlap sack .
Burlap sacks from the coffee industry ?
Then the occurrence of the event of eight thousand burlap bags made Mingqing archives into the vision of the public .
Some ornamentals and other plants are sold with their roots in a ball of dirt held together with burlap .
Both compressive strength and tension strength of test specimens cured with CM-A are equal to or a bit higher than that with wet burlap .
This burlap sack is , is one of hundreds that we would get that would actually come off these boats , like this oyster boat that you see right behind me .