
美 [ˈbjugəlz]英 [ˈbjuːglz]
  • n.军号
  • bugle的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 军号;喇叭
    A bugle is a simple brass musical instrument that looks like a small trumpet. Bugles are often used in the army to announce when activities such as meals are about to begin.

  1. Bugles sounded everywhere .


  2. We heard the bugles blowing .


  3. Blow , bugles , blow , set the wild echoes flying . "


  4. We hear the silver voices of heroic bugles .


  5. Their ears are too full of bugles and drums and the fine words from stay-at-home orators .


  6. Spring is coming , the Internet network of bugles has sounded !


  7. Bugles have been used in military forces for sounding calls and orders .


  8. That 's what war is really like , child : no bugles and banner .


  9. Through a combination of theory and practice , this article mainly analyzed the process of how to formulate and evaluate Bugles strategies in Shandong market .


  10. Something with a round shape like a flat circular plate . fringe of glass beads or bugles for lampshades


  11. How could the little silver bugles sound the rally so swiftly , in the soft air , when the earth was yet bound ?


  12. Fringe of glass beads or bugles for lampshades The general 's uniform was trimmed with gold braid .


  13. At the end of the paper , we made a summary of the development moles of Bugles in Shandong , and put forward some possible problems and suggestions to improve .


  14. Clutching their rifles ; hearing the bugles in the distance ; knowing that waves of enemy fighters would soon be upon them .


  15. At the same moment , the bugles of the Prussians returning from drill blared under our windows .


  16. They were hearing drums and bugles and the rebel yell , seeing footsore men going by in the rain with torn flags slanting .


  17. Yet in our ears are the silver vivid bugles of a new creation advancing on us from behind , we hear the rolling of the soft and happy drums of the doves .


  18. There are cornets bugles , flugelhorns , and a number of others that are all similar to the trumpet in the way they are made and played .


  19. I listen vainly , but with thirsty ears , for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille , of far drums beating the long roll .


  20. Like a grand procession to music of distant bugles pouring , triumphantly moving , and grander heaving in sight , They stand for realities - all is as it should be .


  21. Either of two bugle calls in the British Army , sounded in the evening as a signal to retire to quarters . Night getting deeper , bugles of some far-away barracks streaked across the sky .


  22. The roar of gunfire , the massed movements of uniformed men , the shrill o f bugles , and the drama of hand to hand combat have facinated students of warfare for a century .


  23. Then we established the selection of target market and the positioning of Bugles , after which we formulated the strategy of Bugles in Shandong , and described the strategy detailed in four aspects : the product strategy , the price strategy , the place strategy and the promotion strategy .


  24. Night getting deeper , bugles of some far-away barracks streaked across the sky . When she opened her purse , he remembered her perfume . It had clung to his skin the night he went to her place for a drink .
