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  • 网络胆盐水解酶;办公室;蒲式耳;苯磺酰肼
  1. The Study on Improvement of BSH Hydroelectric Power Plant Operation and Management Programs


  2. Normally the job spooler queue bsh is disabled by default .


  3. Construction of bsh Promoter Mutants by Rapid One-step Site-directed Mutagenesis


  4. The new models , new ideas can explore a suitable the BSH future competitive strategies , and other distribution industry also has certain referential significance .


  5. After adding another queue device , an lpstat-W shows multiple queue devices associated with the bsh job queue .


  6. The results showed that BSH were very low in the brain , it is difficult to directly through the blood-brain barrier .


  7. BSH invested and ran a jointly owned enterprise in China , the successful landing made it expand its business rapidly in Chinese market .


  8. Enabling the bsh queue is a simple process that requires editing the queue configuration file / etc / qconfig .


  9. Bile salt hydrolase ( BSH , EC ) is a metabolite of growth and reproduce of microbe .


  10. The bsh job queue now allows a spooled job to be processed on each available device ; if two devices are available , then two jobs can be processed simultaneously , one on each device .


  11. Coming from the German and European market we as BSH Hausger ä te GmbH have been used to have contacts within the same industry for benchmarking and other interesting exchange of information .


  12. To view an example of job spooling across multiple queues ( assuming you created the second job spool queue device ), run the following " for " loop to submit ten ( 10 ) jobs to the " bsh " job queue .


  13. The main mechanism for the in vitro reducing cholesterol by Lactobacillus plantarum was linked to the bile salt hydrolase ( BSH ) activity of the cells , releasing unconjugated bile acids that induce the cholesterol coprecipitation at low pH values .


  14. We are member of the international Bosch and Siemens Household Appliances Group with a turnover of more than 8 Billion Euro . BSH is the market leader in Germany and in Western Europe and is one of the world 's leading domestic appliance manufacturers .


  15. BSH have the ability to seize external opportunities and avoid the threats and challenges , and make full use of its internal resources and capabilities to further strengthen its market position to ensure their competitive advantage status . Firstly , the related concepts of strategic management have reviewed .


  16. BSH might play a role in the molecular mechanisms for the initial interaction of probiotic with the intestinal environment . And it might play an important role in utilizing the liberated amino acids or increasing resistance to the toxic levels of bile salts in the gastrointestinal tract .


  17. As the user root or as a user that is a member of the printq group , edit the / etc / qconfig file and remove the asterisks from the beginning of the lines for the " bsh : " and " bshdev : " stanzas
