breeding cycle

美 [ˈbriːdɪŋ ˈsaɪkl]英 [ˈbriːdɪŋ ˈsaɪkl]
  • 繁殖周期
breeding cyclebreeding cycle
  1. After root reduction , the cluster bud can be grow into complete plant , the breeding cycle were shortened greatly .


  2. The breeding cycle of Oncorhynchus mykiss was one year and the spawning type was single spawning .


  3. Techniques of apple genetic transformation can improve apple trees and shorten the breeding cycle by molecular methods .


  4. Shortening breeding cycle depends on how to overcome the long time span before first flowering and on early selection and test .


  5. Natural variation is one of the traditional reproduce methods , not only its breeding cycle is too long , but also produces little effect .


  6. During the course of this varietal improvement , the techniques for shortening breeding cycle were adopted in developing new rice varieties .


  7. Gene engineering has provided an effective approach for crop variety hereditary improvement because it could shorten the breeding cycle and increase the breeding efficiency .


  8. In the pigeon reproduction performance the artificial feeding group shorten the breeding cycle of 21-day than nature nurture group . the difference is significant .


  9. With a breeding cycle at about 170 days , he will soon be sending fattened pigs off to a market that is still offering near-record prices .


  10. If a reliable method of this nature is developed , the breeding cycle can be shortened , land and labour saved and promising clones earlier recommended for large scale planting .


  11. Behavior Time Budget and Activity Rhythm of Saunders 's Gull ( Larus saundersi ) During Different Period of Breeding Cycle at Yancheng of Jiangsu , China


  12. Homozygous diploid can be directly obtained by haploid , that can speed up the homozygosis of genotypes and greatly enhance the selection efficiency , and shorten the breeding cycle .


  13. " Because American redstarts return to the same site to breed each year , arriving later may make it harder for them remain to remain in synch with their breeding cycle ," Studds said .


  14. To sum up , the Ml breeds from ion implantation appear heritable variation frequently , and the selected plants separate rarely at M2 and stabilize at M3 , so that the breeding cycle has been shortened , the breeding efficiency has been enhanced .


  15. The results indi - cated the techniques of anther culture on the hybrid between wild and cultivated rice is one of the most effective way to overcome the unsteady of the hybrid progenies , long breeding cycle and to quicken the utilization of wild rice resources .


  16. Tissue culture and transgenic research shortened the breeding program cycle , thus provided a promising way to obtain elite citrus germplasm that are cold tolerant .


  17. Traditional breeding methods cycle is longer and less efficient , and through modern DNA molecular markers to assist breeding has become a faster , more accurate way of breeding .


  18. Application of Protoplast Technique in the Rejuvenation 、 Breeding and Life Cycle of Poria Cocos


  19. Traditional breeding methods have long cycle and heavy workload , and can not meet the present production needs .


  20. New soybean varieties with disease resistance , high yield , good quality are extremely urgent . Conventional breeding due to long breeding cycle , lack of quality resources , and gene linkage and exchange among geges , made a slow progress in the breeding of improved varieties .


  21. However , these breeding technologies have differently some serious weaknesses such as breeding cycle period being too long and heredity of good characters being unstable .


  22. Breeding of soybean varieties by traditional methods has some disadvantages , such as long breeding cycle and low selection efficiency .


  23. We can improve multiple traits of rice such as resistance to pests and protein quality at the same time by conventional breeding approaches or sexual crossing between transgenic plants , but they both cause long breeding cycle and low efficient .


  24. The hatching period almost lasted 30 days , and breeding period 43-45 days in nest and 50 days outsides or so . The breeding cycle is 150 days at least from choosing nest site to young independence .
