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美 [ˈbreɪziər]英 [ˈbreɪziə(r)]
  • n.(金属)火盆

复数: braziers



a large metal container that holds a fire and is used to keep people warm when they are outside



  • 1
    N-COUNT (金属)火盆,炭盆(供户外取暖)
    A brazier is a large metal container in which coal or charcoal is burned to keep people warm when they are outside in cold weather, for example because of their work.

  • 2
    N-COUNT 烤架;烤炉
    A brazier is a grill that you use for cooking, usually with charcoal.


large metal container in which coal or charcoal is burned;warms people who must stay outside for long times
Synonym: brasier


  1. So , you set him free and take the Brazier with you .


  2. You will find a brazier within a shallow cave there .


  3. A group of workmen were standing drinking tea round a brazier .


  4. Is it possible to imagine a man near a Brazier who is not warm ?


  5. I 'm afraid of the cold . I even had the charcoal brazier on today .


  6. If Mr brazier is right , Pakistan could become the first strategically pivotal country to move from the us to the Chinese camp .


  7. This is what is love ah , this is not frame a brazier grill man Kill do ?


  8. Chunks of coal burned in iron braziers at either end of the long room , but Jon found himself shivering .


  9. " I came near forgetting ," said he . " You are to have a brazier of charcoal ready . "


  10. Chestnuts were roasting on a brazier in the street .


  11. Chinese traditional culture is something that the culture of constant updates . I am afraid that some years later on " brazier " language would have been a stranger .


  12. More coal was swallowed by the furnaces . Ventilators shot torrents of air over the braziers .


  13. On chilly nights , the room was warmed by coals burning in brazier set in the corners of the room .


  14. A portable charcoal-burning brazier with a grill for cooking .


  15. He thrust half a dozen torches into the brazier 's glowing coals and watched the oiled rags flare up .


  16. And glow more intense than blaze of branch , or brazier , Stirs the dumb spirit : no wind , but pentecostal fire


  17. Egyptians used frankincense to make cosmetics , embalm dead bodies , and provide an aromatic warmth on the braziers of their homes in chilly weather .


  18. A breath of air which made its way in through the open pane , helped to dissipate the smell of the charcoal and to conceal the presence of the brazier .


  19. Smiling radiantly , Wang came out first and asked Hsin-mei and Hung-chien if they found it cold in the living room , then ordered the maid to bring the brazier .


  20. And on this Father 's Day , it must make him proud to know that the man now charged with keeping its foundation strong is his son and your new pastor , Reverend Byron Brazier .


  21. and Tyrion saw the dull glow of a brazier and felt a brief gust of warmth when the winch men opened the door and went back inside . And then he was alone .


  22. When Ysilla turned her back , Tyrion snatched a biscuit off the brazier , darting away just in time to avoid a smack from her fearsome wooden spoon .


  23. In the same manner a third becomes a smith or a brazier ; a fourth a tanner or dresser of hides or skins , the principal part of the clothing of savages .


  24. By the time Griff appeared on deck , the pike was spitting and sizzling over the brazier whilst Ysilla hovered over it with a lemon , squeezing .


  25. The brazier being concealed , the only light in the room was now furnished by the candle ; the smallest bit of crockery on the table or on the chimney-piece cast a large shadow .


  26. It grows louder and more distinct , until you round a corner and see a fairyland of dancing flashes , as the burnished copper catches the light of innumerable lamps and braziers .


  27. She fed some wood chips to the brazier on the afterdeck , stirred the coals with a blackened blade , and began to knead the dough for the morning biscuits .


  28. I lit it at a small brazier supported by an elegant bronze stand , and I inhaled my first whiffs with the relish of a smoker who hasn 't had a puff in days .
