美 [ˈbreɪzn feɪst]英 [ˈbreɪzn feɪst]
- 网络厚颜无耻的;死皮赖脸;黄铜一般的面孔

- unrestrained by convention or propriety
- an audacious trick to pull
- a barefaced hypocrite
- the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim"- Los Angeles Time
- bald-faced lies
- brazen arrogance
- the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress"- Bertrand Russel
- Synonym: audacious barefaced bodacious bald-faced brassy brazen insolent
You 've just learned to be spiteful and brazen-faced . Well , I still plan to behave like a gentleman and keep in my face .
He was a small man of about fifty , brisk , wrinkled , frail , yellow , brazen-faced , feverish , who had a sort of sickly feebleness about all his limbs and his whole person , and an immense force in his glance .