- n.苞片;苞,苞片,托叶

Detection of Banana bract mosaic virus by real-time fluorescent RT-PCR
The germination temperature for seeds with bract was 10 ~ 30 ℃;
Genetic Analysis of Ear Bract Characters in Maize
Effect of Corn Bract on the Level of NO , ET and Apoptosis of Endothelial Cells
Bract - scale and seed - scale complex theory and a new evolutionary model of reproductive organs of seed plants
Corn bract reduces the leukocyte apoptosis and CD_ ( 44 ) expression in rabbits with atherosclerosis
Cloning and Analyzing of Bract Differentially Expressed Genes of Davidia Involucrata Baill
Red light could increase the ornamental value of flower , flower diameter , bract area , content of cyanidin were all increased .
The Effects of Corn Bract Decotion on Endothelin and Prostacyclin and Morphology of Atherosclerosis in Rabbits
Pertaining to or resembling or functioning as a bract .
Later on , the bract and the 2 bracteoles primordial grow into triangular form and become recurved subsequently .
Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms , each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil .
The duration of bract primordium phase , sepal primordium phase and petal primordium phase were longer than it in Heze .
The plant chubbiness index , total plant leaf area index and bract area index with 4 and 5 branches were similar , but higher than those of plants with 3 branches ;
In Calocedrus and Platycladus , only a single series of inverted vascular bundles were generated in the adaxial side of the bract scale ;
Conclusion : Replenishing the trace elements such as zinc , iron , calcium and chrome , the immune ability and the resistance to the infection of respiratory bract could be strengthened .
Proper applying phosphate could increase yield and single bract weight of sweet maize and the overall trend was that the effect to the P inefficient varieties was obviously higher than the P efficient varieties .
We previously reported that SUPERNUMERARY BRACT ( SNB ) regulates the transition of spikelet meristems into floral meristems in rice .
The bract primordial is occur firstly on the male flower primordial , which locate on the abaxial of the flower primordial and have oval form .
In later June , stamen primodium was differentiated in the bract of male inflorescence and the differentiation of bract was generated in female inflorescence .
Blue and yellow could decreased the ornamental value of flower , the former could decreased the content of cyaniding and the later could decreased flower diameter , bract area , content of cyanidin all .
In the early december , the first bract primordium was formed in the axil scale at the cone base , then bract initiation had occurred in acropetal direction .
Here , we report the identification of the SUPERNUMERARY BRACT ( SNB ) gene controlling the transition from spikelet meristem to floral meristem and the floral organ development .
The bract silica has the greatest absorption at 285 nm of UV-B , while the leaf silica has a very low UV absorption , indicating that silica in the two organs of rice has different mechanism of radiation resistance .
HPCE fingerprints of whole grass and flower , bract , leaf , stem were established , which were evaluated by systematic quantified fingerprint method . The contents of chlorogenic acid and rutin were determined simultaneously by internal standard method .
At the end of February , the bract attained approximately their full size , and a pair of anatropous ovules were initiated on the adaxial surface at the base of the fertile ovuliferous scale .
Any of various deciduous shade trees of the genus Tilia having heart-shaped leaves , drooping cymose clusters of yellowish , often fragrant flowers , and peduncles united into a large lingulate bract .
Shade had no effects on blooming date , but flower diameter , bract area had negative correlation significantly ( P < 0.05 ) with shade degree , and content of cyanidin had negative correlation very significantly ( P < 0.01 ) with shade degree .
The soluble total sugar and sucrose content in petal , bract and nectary of male sterile line are significantly higher than in those of restorer , maintainer and hybrid F 1 , but the difference of fructose content among them is not noticeable .