
  • n.博兹
  1. Booz puts this down to the more recent tightening of corporate governance in Europe .


  2. Booz & Co opened offices in India last September , attracted by the growth potential .


  3. Booz believes gasoline consumption in the US is likely to peak within the next 15 to 20 years .


  4. Booz Allen said outsourcing engineering work signals " capacity expansion not job reduction " that would ultimately multiply the number of overall jobs .


  5. More than half of all shoppers now use technology as part of their grocery shopping routine , according to research by Booz & company .


  6. Booz and Co calculated new appointments of chair-CEOs were down from 40 per cent in 2000 to 18 per cent in 2011 .


  7. In the end , this paper takes Booz Allen Hamilton consulting company as an example , analyses its successful experience in knowledge sharing practices .


  8. That part is easier than you may think , says Jon Katzenbach , a senior partner at consulting firm Booz & company .


  9. The hackers responded by stealing from Booz Allen what they say are 90000 military e-mail addresses and passwords .


  10. Booz Allen does not seem to have done its homework-which is embarrassing for a security contractor working with classified materials .


  11. As chief executive of Booz & Co , he heads a global management consulting firm that has decades of commercial client relationships upon which to draw .


  12. Booz & company , another consultancy , points out that big companies often test-market new products on Nordic consumers because of their willingness to try new things .


  13. Among the world 's 2500 largest groups by market value , 270 replaced their chief executive in 2012 as a result of succession planning , according to research by Booz and Company .


  14. It split from its sister firm in 2008 so that Booz & Co could focus on the private sector and Booz Allen on the public sector .


  15. For the past eight years , our firm , Booz company , has conducted an annual study on R D spending among the 1,000 public companies that spend the most on innovation .


  16. As clearly brave and well-spoken this young man is , Snowden is not a high-level employee at Booz ( bah ) .


  17. I thought this sector had reached a low point in 2014 , when PwC rebranded Booz & Company , the consultancy it had bought , as Strategy & .


  18. Per-Ola Karlsson , Booz senior partner and co-author of the study , suggested that outside contenders often benefited as companies adopted a more structured approach to appointments .


  19. Another Booz finding is common to both sides of the Atlantic : looking back over recent years , board disputes and power struggles lie behind a third of chief-executive firings .


  20. Booz & Co , another consultancy , expects connected vehicles to account for 90 per cent of new cars by the end of the decade , up from about 10 per cent today .


  21. Research by consultants Booz Allen Hamilton , which studied retail banks in 17 countries , found that Hong Kong has the best-performing banks , followed by Switzerland and then the US .


  22. Edward Tse of Booz & Company , a consultancy , observes that such partnerships ( his firm is one too ) cannot rely on rules and top-down control to make quick decisions .


  23. But last year it was the rise in succession planning that led to the second-highest level of turnover since the start of the century , when Booz and Company began tracking chief executive moves in this way .


  24. But the Hamori / Cappelli study and another by Booz & Company , a consultancy , show that Europe is a more dynamic and harsher environment than America or Japan for chief executives .


  25. As Tom Stewart , the former Harvard Business Review editor and now chief marketing and knowledge officer for consultants Booz & Co , points out , the current financial crisis has its origins in plain bad management .


  26. He left behind a fianc é and $ 200000 a year job with government contractor Booz Allen Hamilton when he decided to flee the United States before turning details of the program over to reporters .


  27. The US could become a net exporter of gasoline by 2010 , given shifts in demand , biofuel mandates and growth in alternative vehicle technology , according to a report by Booz & company , the global management consultancy .


  28. In an annual study of 2500 companies Booz & company , a consultancy , calculates that the proportion of chief-executive Posts going to outsiders rose from 14 % in 2007 to 22 % in 2011 .


  29. While 332 of the 2500 biggest publicly traded companies globally brought in a new executive officer , women filled just 10 of those positions , according to a new study from management consulting firm Strategy & , formerly Booz & Company .


  30. Sullivan , from Booz Allen , gave the example the time his team was analyzing demographic information about customers for a luxury hotel chain and came across data showing that teens from a wealthy Middle Eastern country were frequent guests .
