book clubs

美 [bʊk klʌbz]英 [bʊk klʌbz]
  • n.书友会(会员购书享受打折优惠)
  • book club的复数
book clubsbook clubs

book clubs


  • 1
    N-COUNT 读者俱乐部(会员购书可享受折扣)
    A book club is an organization that offers books at reduced prices to its members.

  1. You know : gardening , macram é, book clubs , that kind of stuff .


  2. Need tips on how to get started Visit Book Clubs Resource .


  3. He made deals with book clubs , charity groups .


  4. Now book clubs are winning back its popularity .


  5. We really hope that book clubs around the country sort of read along as we do .


  6. Ten million Americans belong to book clubs and receive books regularly at reduced prices .


  7. It was released in1935 and received immediate attention from critics and book clubs .


  8. You will end up in a study group and you will further your career . There are book clubs and stuff .


  9. Colleges and universities as part of the society not an exception , such as fellow book clubs , inventions group .


  10. The readings , book clubs , literary lunches and events have been happening here since the 1920s .


  11. Layoffs can turn social butterflies into near hermits who shun such outlets as book clubs and even church groups , finds a new study .


  12. And there are certain kinds of books that work especially well for book clubs and that make - in this case make sense for a book club that is driven by the news .


  13. Other survival strategies include hosting book clubs or other community groups and selling a wider variety of goods , such as wrapping paper , jewellery , cards and toys .


  14. Unlike traditional book clubs , the point of the Slow Reading Club isn 't exchanging ideas about a certain book , but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet , relaxed environment .


  15. Reduce the number of blogs , newsletters , magazines , book clubs , podcasts , TV-shows etc. you follow . Just keep the ones you are really getting something out of .


  16. He wrote to three major book clubs in New York and got two of them , The Literary Guild and The Book of the Month Club , to send editions of all their major selections to us at a special cheap rate .


  17. Book discussion groups are not the same as the @ book clubs @ organized to sell books .


  18. The more important motivator of finishing a book , says Dr. Wilhelm , is social pressure , which is why book clubs are so good at getting readers to the epilogue .
