body temperature and pressure

body temperature and pressurebody temperature and pressure
  1. Influence of dialysate temperature on body temperature and blood pressure of hemodialysis patients


  2. Roughly an hour before you wake , hormone levels increase gradually ( along with your body temperature and blood pressure ), causing you to become more alert .


  3. Roughly an hour before you wake , hormone levels increase gradually ( along with your body temperature and blood pressure ) , causing you to become more alert . Take naps


  4. Objective To develop a software system that can gather , manage and transmit signals of electrocardiograms , respiration , body temperature and blood pressure at real time , in order to monitor physiological signals of astronauts .


  5. The four vital signs as breathing , body temperature , pulse and blood pressure are the basic activities of the body to maintain normal state . Abnormalities in vital signs can cause serious or fatal diseases .
