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  • 网络法国国家图书馆;巴科斯范式;范式;巴克斯范式;巴柯斯范式
  1. The BNF is used to formalize the network access control rules .


  2. Secondly , it is using the Probability-based context-free grammar to analyze sentence , and the sentence is used into symbolic forms by the BNF .


  3. A general syntax analysis algorithm based on extended BNF grammar


  4. In this paper , according to BNF , the language syntax rule is defined .


  5. New ideas and technologies in proteomics would impregnate new activities for the development of BNF .


  6. The BNF is used to formalize the packet filtering rules .


  7. The BNF representation of G / SQL syntax is included in this paper .


  8. This paper has carried on attribute analysis and BNF representation of process knowledge in the management in terms of systematic science .


  9. Study on Reactive Kinetics and Thermodynamics Mechanisms of BNf in the Low Temperature Nitriding Process Using Inorganic Precursors


  10. BNF description and definition of extended constraints-based modular Petri nets of use case diagram


  11. The abstract syntax of DFL programming language was described through BNF notation ;


  12. As a critical tool , BNF models play irreplaceable roles in predicting nitrogen fixation of soybean quantitatively .


  13. In BNF , the only way to indicate a list of an arbitrary number of elements is through recursion .


  14. Through analyzing the DML framework in relational database , the BNF for unifying operation multimedia data and traditional data was designed .


  15. Water-rich foods tend to be low in calories or have a low energy density , a BNF conference heard .


  16. RDF / RDF Schema is a sound and complete formal system , which has BNF formal syntax and model theory based formal semantic .


  17. It is important to quantitatively characterize biological nitrogen fixation ( BNF ) of soybean for farmland fertilizer management and non-point source pollution control .


  18. It supplies OQL with update statement , and analyses its process flow . The improved BNF for OQL is given .


  19. Biological nitrogen fixation ( BNF ) is strongly associated with global nitrogen cycling and global changes due to its effects on release of greenhouse gas .


  20. JJTree is a preprocessor , and generating a parser for a particular BNF is an easy two-step process


  21. All uses of BNF in the next chapter ( 'Lexical Analysis ' ) are lexical definitions ; uses in subsequent chapters are syntactic definitions .


  22. BNF description of syntax


  23. If you 're familiar with parsing , you 'll quickly realize that the second argument to the parse function is equivalent to providing a BNF .


  24. Biological nitrogen fixation ( BNF ), which provides all the plants on the globe with 75 % of fixed nitrogen , is one of the important projects in life science .


  25. This paper also proposed a descriptive language of formal rules based on BNF and production rule , formalized the processing rules for consecutive verb and implemented the rules by computer program .


  26. It not only introduces the six - hundred - year history of the French National Library and its development , but also introduces the idea of architecture of BnF , library management , library service .


  27. The grammars for complex languages are commonly described using BNF ( Backus-Naur Form ) notation or its close relative , EBNF ( Extended BNF ) .


  28. After defining the alarm event using Backus Normal Form ( BNF ), it puts forward an event correlation model with Petri net , and using this model designs the alarm event correlation module .


  29. In accordance with the present status , the four kinds of most commonly used bath compositions BNF type , RC type , ascorbic acid type and sodium glyconate type apd their operation conditions are listed .


  30. This paper analyzes and evaluates the different kinds of representation methods , describes the concepts of blackboard model , knowledge source , and blackboard framework , and gives a rigorous BNF definition to the blackboard framework .
