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  • 网络吸附;孔径分布;汽油发动机;容积分析;孔径分布测试
  1. The medium pore diameter distribution was calculated by BJH method .


  2. The BJH curve further confirmed the existence of mesoporous structure . 3 .


  3. The BET specific surface area and the total cubage increase twice . The BJH specific surface is about 3 times that of the


  4. Based on the BJH model of traffic flow , a modified BJH model by considering the effects of the braking state of vehicle ahead on traffic flow is proposed .


  5. The pore distribution of metal coating activated carbon fibers were analyzed by HK , BJH and Dubinin theories from the nitrogen adsorption isotherms measured by auto adsorption meter .


  6. In this paper , microcosmic parameters including specific surface area , pore size distribution and pore volume of expanded perlite used in water-bearing explosive has been measured by BET and BJH methods .


  7. BJH method was used to obtain the volume of mesopores and the pore size distribution on the selected samples , while the MP methed was used to obtain the obtain the micropore size distribution .


  8. The contents of the thesis are as follows ( 1 ) Based on the BJH model of traffic flow , a new evolution algorithm of traffic flow by considering the effects of the braking state of vehicle ahead on traffic flow is proposed .


  9. Based on the BJH academic model , the property of the cumulative pore specific surface area , cumulative pore volume , average pore diameter and BJH desorption pore distribution curves of the samples are calculated by BJH analysis method .


  10. At the temperature of liquid nitrogen the N 2 adsorption process and adsorptive volume of coal samples are measured under the gas saturated vapour pressure . Using BET and BJH theoretical models the pore volume and area of coal are calculated .
