- n.圆珠笔的一种
- v.用圆珠笔写

Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth .
Dr. Biro says girls with a higher body mass index are more likely to enter puberty early .
We all know the reputation and record of this notorious biro .
Thanks to copying , my behaviour is better too , as the biro story shows .
Dr. Biro says the tests are to look for chemicals from the girls ' environment that could affect growth .
Biro patented his invention in the United States and sold the rights to an American manufacturer .
Written in biro , ink , pencil , etc
With a normal black biro I have drawn this on marker paper , using a photo as an underlay .
FRANK BIRO : " That is , chemicals that might mimic natural hormones that our body makes , or somehow interfere with how those hormones act on the body . "
The letter should look as beautiful as your feelings - a note scrawled in biro on the back of a beer mat is not going to make your Bella go weak at the knees .
But I did learn from an early age that if you write with a piece of paper under your hand that you don 't smudge your work when writing with a messy biro or fountain pen !
Her parents , Indians born in Uganda and Kenya , did not try to steer her on to a more sensible path – her father , who worked in electronic repairs , used to do oil paintings and portraits in biro in his spare time .
FRANK BIRO : " In addition to the types and amount of food we eat , the other important factors are some of these chemicals . For example , personal care factors , such as cosmetics , such as suntan lotions , contain certain chemicals that could impact timing of or other body functions . "
The study took place in three big cities . Dr. Frank Biro at Cincinnati Children 's Hospital Medical Center in Ohio led the study . He says it began about seven years ago . FRANK BIRO : " We followed this group of approximately twelve hundred girls to see when they would enter into puberty . "