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Analysis and Evaluation of Bioclastic Limestone Reservoir in the Central Region of Tarim Basin
Special stratigraphic sequence ( from bottom upwards ): volcanic rocks , pyroclastic limestone and bioclastic limestone ;
Reservoir Characteristics and Evaluation of Carboniferous Bioclastic Limestone in Central Tarim Basin
Quantitative study of bioclastic grains in carbonate rocks : Theoretical analysis and application of point-counting method
Outside Reef is shallow bank composed mainly bioclastic and oolitic limestone .
Study of sedimentary facies of bioclastic limestone member , carboniferous , Tarim Basin
Granular rock contain bioclastic limestone , algal limestone and sand limestone .
Reservoir Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Bioclastic Limestone Section of Bachu Formation in Bachu Area , Tarim Basin
Reservoir lithology is mainly made of reef limestones and bioclastic grainstones , with low level dolomitization .
A set of sandstone and few mudstone combination and Micritic bioclastic limestone composes of the Xili Formation .
The reef island belt from Tusuo Lake to Huashixia is mainly composed of massive reef limestone and bioclastic limestone .
A unique depositional sequence consists of phylloid algal buildups , bioclastic banks and mud facies affected by frequent changes of depositional environments .
Restricted platform facies rocks characterized by micrite , containing bioclastic micrite and bioclastic micrite main output common marl , rock containing clay and organic matter have plans .
Principal diageneses are cementation , compaction , pressure-solution , dolomitization , solution and fracturing , which control the reservoir properties of the bioclastic limestone member .
Open platform facies metamorphic rocks are massive micritic bioclastic limestone and bioclastic limestone , with massive bedding , convolute bedding and graded bedding biological debris .
Bioclastic limestone is also belonged in the effective hydrocarbon source rock and if it contains silicon or is belonged in deepwater deposit ( trough ), its organic carbon content is higher ( e.g.P 1 m ) .
Main types of rock are described and discussed : sparry bioclastic limestone 、 micritic cncrinite 、 organic alge micrite 、 radiolarian chert and calcareous bioclastic chert .
The deltaic front was represented by the Xiaoheba Formation , in which four facies were recognized : front and sheet , reef , oolite ( bioclastic shoal ), inter-reef ( shoal ) mud .
Favorable reservoirs are paleo karst related to regional unconformity , carbonate buildup and bioclastic limestone in TST and HST , turbidite in LST and dolostone or grainstone in lower LST and higher HST .
The prominent characteristic of the siliceous rock is the residual bioclastic structure , with plenty of silicified calcareous organisms , such as brachiopoda , encrinite caudex and coral , which are several millimeters in size .
Several points can be concluded for the area from this paper study : ( 1 ) Hydrocarbon mainly occurs in the lower interval of bioclastic limestone and dolomitic limestone ( the special lithologic interval ) in Es_1 Member , in which solution pores well developed ;