binary variable
- 二进制变量

The function of the binary variable and its application
The theoretical analyses can also be applied to the binary variable planetary drill bit .
The Model to Evaluate Company 's Credit Rating-the Application of the Binary Dependent Variable Model
Determinant condition of independency on binary random variable
Then take death and survival as binary dependent variable , make Binary Logistic Regression analysis using SPSS 10.0 statistic software .
This model based on the Reputation-based trust model , for a given time interval as the main factor in the calculation of Measure of trust , while the recommended screening in the chain as a binary number with variable weights .
A fixed DZ / CZ ratio gives a cure curve intersecting at only one point with NOBS , thus a binary system of a variable combination ratio will be in effect similar to NOBS .
In a binary regression model with a logit link function , we used self-rated poor health as the binary dependent variable , and age , sex and education as the independent variables .