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  • 网络带隙基准源;班戈;脂松香;地球科学与自然资源研究院;蓝绿红
  1. Design and Analysis of High Precision Exponential Curvature Temperature Compensation BGR


  2. Some have RGB modes , other have BGR modes , etc.


  3. A design of a low voltage bandgap reference ( BGR ), for SOC application with high accuracy is described .


  4. The BGR applied in DAC uses different types of resistance to second-order compensation . The temperature characteristics are significantly improved .


  5. The BGR voltage has a positive temperature coefficient to cancel the negative temperature coefficient of the β - multiplier .


  6. In this work , basic theory of first-order compensated BGR was introduced , then several bandgap reference techniques were compared and analyzed . Because the


  7. But in the current , the supply voltage of BGR is generally greater than 1.25V and the output voltage is fixed .


  8. CMOS bandgap reference ( BGR ) without a resistor , with a high power supply rejection ratio and output below1V is proposed .


  9. However , due to the curvature in the reference output voltage , there exists a limit for improving the temperature stability of a first-order compensated BGR .


  10. Chemical nickel plating solution which used sodium borohydride as reducing agent , ethylenediamine as complexing agent and BGR as stabilizing agent was studied in this paper .


  11. To simplify the structure and lower the temperature coefficient of changeable voltage reference circuit , the design of a CMOS bandage reference ( BGR ) with adjustable output is discussed .


  12. News of a potential Amazon smartphone with 3-D capability leaked earlier this year , with BGR even posting photos it claimed featured a prototype for the new product .


  13. The method of the determination of AC value of BGR was modified so that only 0.02 ml. of whole blood was needed . It is rather convenient when used in field nutritional surveys .


  14. BHEL has also been outbid by another new player BGR Energy for equipment supply to the Rajasthan government's1,200 MW Kalisindh thermal power project at Jhalawar near Kota .


  15. The article analyzed and compared the type , the merits and demerits of voltage reference , pointed out the advantages of bandgap reference ( BGR ), and the improved configuration of BGR was chosen .
