
美 [ˈbeɪtəz]英 [ˈbiːtəz]
  • n.希腊字母表的第2个字母
  • beta的复数
  1. Study on the Properties of China Real Estate Industry Return and Betas


  2. Time-varying Betas in Chinese Stock Market : Industry Effect


  3. Studies on the Stability and Time Variation of Industrial Betas in Shenzhen Stock Market


  4. We find internal betas tremendously helpful for many of our products and applications .


  5. This means that different industry portfolio should be used different models to estimate the mean of betas .


  6. For the above methods , this paper tested them in the video library of various betas .


  7. They distribute betas over the network and get their customers to do the testing for free !


  8. Community server add-on betas will be released separately .


  9. The simplified index model which is based on total returns is often used to estimated security betas , which is no theoretical foundation .


  10. MIX is the traditionally the time when Silverlight betas are announced and this year is no exception .


  11. Q : We plan to continue releasing betas over the next few months , with each beta introducing one or more new features .


  12. In between these major betas we will also release some interim or ' edge ' builds with bug fixes or experimental features .


  13. Betas for individual stocks can vary according to whether the overall market direction is upwards or downwards . A stock may be riskier in a falling market than a rising market .


  14. Third , no matter added betas , size , book-to-market , momentum or liquidity , the negative relation between divergence of opinions and stock returns is significant in cross-section regression strategy .


  15. In Huxley 's 1932 novel about a dystopian future , the Alphas , Betas and others populating his " Brave New World " have at their disposal a drug called soma .


  16. The ratios of their prices to per-share book values are below average , as are their ' betas ' -- a measure of the extent to which their prices move in lock step with the overall market .


  17. We drive an asset pricing model when the market is clearing . This paper shows that the linear relationship of CAPM still holds and there are three betas , and the risk of market and benchmark portfolio is priced in this model .


  18. Having said that , I 've run iOS 9 betas on an iPhone 5S , an iPhone 6 , iPhone 6 Plus , an iPad Air and an iPad Air 2 , and all performed extremely well .
