
  • 网络贝纳迪尼
  1. Prices at Bernardini start as low as a few thousand United States dollars and go as high as $ 1 million or more , depending on condition , rarity and provenance .


  2. While Hong Kong has several vintage watch dealers and auction houses that put on watch sales , Mr. Bernardini aims to stand out from the crowd by offering exceptional customer services and an ability to source rare pieces .


  3. The store , now known as Bernardini Luxury Vintage , or BLV , is kitted out like a stylish gentleman 's club , filled with antique furniture and elegant steamer trunks .


  4. A team of trained technicians in Milan handles after-sale services , but Mr. Bernardini , debonair and deeply knowledgeable , is the ultimate salesman , ever ready to share stories about the provenance of his merchandise .


  5. Christophe Bernardini , Chief Executive Officer of Zodiac Aerospace Cabin Branch , said : ' We are delighted to work with Airbus on this new and innovative project . An improved passenger experience is today a key element of differentiation for airlines . '


  6. Noting the appetite that China 's wealthy elite has developed for the latest novelties in Swiss watches , Mr. Bernardini , 44 , has now brought his formula to Hong Kong , in hopes of encouraging a similar passion for classic pieces .
