
美 [ˈbifɪər]英 [ˈbiːfɪə]
  • adj.高大的;肥胖的
  • beefy的比较级
  1. I would use the beefier one and hold the other in reserve .


  2. It also can cost more because it demands beefier , and thus costlier , hardware to run well than does the older Windows XP .


  3. Fast chargers bypass the vehicle 's converter , using their own beefier bits of kit to pump a DC charge directly into the battery .


  4. There 's an ad-supported free version and a beefier elite option ( $ 29.95 / year ) with more bells and whistles .


  5. In one experiment Mr Coates sampled testosterone levels in traders in London and found that higher levels of the hormone in the morning correlated with beefier profits in the afternoon .


  6. Although the users weren 't happy to hear that they couldn 't use their new , beefier server at that moment , they were grateful that I was exercising all due caution .


  7. There 's an ad-supported free version and a beefier " elite " option ( $ 29.95 / year ) with more bells and whistles .


  8. If the repository grows substantially in size I 'll probably move the actual jar files to Amazon S3 but I don 't expect to need anything beefier for the website and metadata .


  9. Unlike Vista , Windows 7 doesn 't require beefier hardware than its immediate predecessor . It should work fine on nearly every Vista PC , and even on many late-model computers running XP .


  10. A new estimate , based on its effect on the motion of a nearby dwarf galaxy , has the Milky Way a bit beefier than some past measurements that relied on the motions of massive stars .


  11. There would be a conventional take-off and landing ( CTOL ) version for the air force , a short take-off and vertical landing ( STOVL ) version for the marines and a beefier carrier version for the navy .


  12. The study , published in the journal PLoS ONE , reports that when men were placed in stressful situations , then asked to rate the attractiveness of women of varying body sizes , they tended to prefer beefier frames , compared with unstressed men whose tastes skewed thinner .
