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  • 巴西;【医】【=basophil(s)】嗜碱的,嗜碱粒细胞
  1. Laboratory study on DTPA dissolving BaSO 4 scale


  2. Means of improvement : to eat double dose produced gas , large dose BaSO 4 and with valsalva test etc.


  3. In the test and comparison of battery , any bad influence produced by adding BaSO 4 in negative plate were not found .


  4. Sprayed BaSO 4 diffuser plate is the most Lambertian surface actually used in spectral radiance calibration known by now .


  5. Study of OCM for ThO 2 SrCO 3 / BaSO 4


  6. By means of simulation experiments in sandstone micromodels , scaling mechanism and formation damage due to scaling of BaSO 4 and CaCO 3 are studied respectively .


  7. Baso Rukmana , head of Indonesia 's National Workers Union , says clothing manufacturers in particular are losing jobs because the government makes it too hard to compete .


  8. The inhibiting property for BaSO 4 scaling of phosphoric acid esters of rice bran extract ( P RBE ) alone and compounded with other scale inhibitors is studied .


  9. Determination of BaSo 4 , SrSO 4 in Baryte


  10. Progress in the determination of BaSO 4 , SrSO 4 in baryte were reviewed . A rapid method of instrumental analysis & energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry ( EDXRF ) was introduced .


  11. Results The peak temperature during the period of polymerization , the strength and the stiffness of DBC with different ratio of powder / liquid and the percentage of BaSO 4 in powder were significantly different ( P < 0.05 ) .


  12. By charge testing the effect of additives such as BaSO 4 , carbon black and organic expanders on the charge acceptance of traction batteries has been discussed and the paste formula for negative plates optimized to increase the charge acceptance .


  13. Results show that FPM-1 is a good scale inhibitor for CaCO 3 , CaSO 4 , and has some inhibiting effect to BaSO 4 . It can be used in water flood in oilfield and cooling water for industrial circulating water .
