basic service

美 [ˈbeɪsɪk ˈsɜːrvɪs]英 [ˈbeɪsɪk ˈsɜːvɪs]
  • 基本服务
basic servicebasic service
  1. A generic model for two basic service discovery architectures .


  2. For example , a service consumer may want maximum throughput but is only paying for basic service .


  3. A talk about the copyright in the digital library from basic service work


  4. We need to stay visible at least to provide the most basic service .


  5. As the basic service place , passenger transport station holds an important position .


  6. Most cell phone plans include a certain number of texts with the basic service .


  7. This layer provides the basic service component functionality from a SCA point of view .


  8. It violates the basic service rule .


  9. This Addendum covers the two news contexts " basic service " and " line identity " .


  10. METHODS : The service in drugstores was classified into basic service , pharmaceutical service , medical service and health information service .


  11. The IPTV set-top box designed on the basis of this scheme has basic service functions and extended service functions .


  12. This article describes the construction of sci-tech archives , functionctio n of basic service , legal construction and system construction .


  13. The stability basic service strategy is selected for the telephone service , and the prior development strategy is selected for the data communication service .


  14. There are three basic service models to consider in a university based cloud computing , such as Public , Private and Hybrid clouds .


  15. Multimedia service is the basic service in NGN . QoS multicast routing algorithms technology is one of the key technology of multimedia transfer .


  16. This approach provides the basic service composition capability : acquire data , manipulate it , and expose it again as a new Web Service .


  17. In today 's world , telecommunications are more than just a basic service – they are a means to promote development , improve society and save lives .


  18. Power supplying reliability is the important qualification of the best power enterprise . High reliability and high quality power-supply is the basic service the power enterprise offered .


  19. With the rapid expansion of Internet , e-mail as the Internet provides a basic service , gradually replace the traditional exchange of letters as a new communication tool .


  20. This model means that we should establish a basic service system which centered by the senior citizens with the help of families in whole community to do full examination .


  21. The data exchange platform is divided into five levels , which are system access layer , message operation layer , process management layer , user interaction layer and basic service layer .


  22. Or , the provider has decided to charge twice the amount for the same basic service , which we have relied on , in the past .


  23. Since 1984 when meteorological satellite was made use of to monitor the growth of the winter wheat , providing satellite information has become a basic service in weather bureau .


  24. The suggestion value of basic service capacity of widened left-turn lane is given and how to determine modificatory coefficients and practical service capacity is also presented .


  25. The domain name system ( DNS ) is the most important and basic service on the Internet . Stable and secure DNS is a necessary condition for Internet to function normally .


  26. However the Sub additivity and the Economies of Scope changes the traditional attitude to natural monopoly , all but infrastructure and Basic Service can develop great provided competition is introduced .


  27. How to handle sudden public hygienic events correctly is a basic service subject of community hygiene and it is also the most direct way to protect the health of community residents .


  28. On one hand , because the basic service government should perform its " people-oriented " service purposes ; the empty nest elderly in rural areas has dramatically increased in the rural areas .


  29. As a national leader in industry , after 10 years of ultra-fast development , telecommunications industry has gradually become the basic service industries and play a huge role in driving the economic and social development .


  30. The welfare service system took the government as a backing , providing the basic service for the community ordinary inhabitants . The fund short and the service low efficiency became its development barrier gradually .
