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  • 网络大本营;贝斯卡
  1. Basecamp makes great use of space .


  2. Basecamp employees are located all around the country .


  3. Only a handful of workers have left Basecamp over the past 15 years , Fried said .


  4. Playing along with the self-organization theme , Basecamp simply allows people to collaborate on the project in a distributed way .


  5. Oh , and Basecamp makes all the travel arrangements because Fried doesn 't want anyone to stress over the planning part .


  6. Basecamp does has one thing in common with the rest of the tech industry : Its employees are a relatively homogenous group .


  7. Much like Rails was extracted from a BaseCamp , Vertebra has been extracted from various techniques we 've used to manage our internal cloud .


  8. When you climb Everest , you spend 10 or 11 nights climbing before you even get to Basecamp .


  9. This technique of using Web services to integrate on-site applications with cloud data can also be used with a wide variety of other applications , ranging from Google Apps to Basecamp .


  10. The main difference is that Basecamp takes core concepts found in all projects-People , Tasks , Milestones , etc. - and puts them in the spotlight .


  11. Businesses can enable access to critical data , projects , or content through services like salesforce and roambi , Basecamp and yammer , or box , respectively .


  12. He is a partner in37signals , the company behind Basecamp , Highrise , Backpack , Writeboard , and Ta-da List .


  13. Our main way of tracking bugs in Basecamp is just to post them to prioritized todo lists and link those todo items up to a message if more explanation is needed .


  14. The fight might have ended considerably worse , but American climber Melissa Arnot warned the trio to flee to the basecamp before the rest formed a mob and stoned them to death .


  15. At Basecamp , the 50-person software company he helped found about 15 years ago , the benefits support a culture that urges employees to work reasonable hours ( 40 a week is encouraged ) , sleep more , stay healthy and expand their horizons .
