
美 [ˈbæroʊz]英 [ˈbærəʊz]
  • n.古冢;古坟;两轮流动售货车(售卖水果、蔬菜等常用)
  • barrow的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 同 wheelbarrow
    A barrow is the same as a wheelbarrow .

  • 2
    N-COUNT (在街边贩卖水果等的)手推车
    A barrow is a cart from which fruit or other goods are sold in the street.

  • 4
    N-COUNT 冢;古坟
    A barrow is a large structure made of earth that people used to build over graves in ancient times.

  1. Response of barrows and gilts to dietary level of protein and lysine


  2. This is achieved because barrows only come into play when you loose possession .


  3. True Ca digestibility was different between gilts and barrows .


  4. You can use barrows on any player in any position and its not limited to just wide players only .


  5. Their job was to pick up all the rubbish , put it in wheel barrows and take it to the rubbish place .


  6. The two men with the barrows quarreled over a market pitch and both of them began to talk billingsgate .


  7. Both difference of thickness of back fat and area of ocular muscles of barrows and sows were insignificant ( P > 0.05 ) .


  8. They began to pass picks and shovels and barrows and other signs that the diggers had recently been at work .


  9. The main products are soft shaft , barrows , engine stents , pipes , the rubber sealing strip , oil seal , high , stamping the subsection , etc.


  10. Experimental results also indicated that for Landrace x Beijing Black barrows nitrogen retained per day reached its peak at about 60 kg body weight with a daily retention of 20 g .


  11. In each trial , four groups of four littermate barrows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments in a randomized complete block design involving a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement .


  12. Where appliances have been provided for moving cylinders , such as barrows , pallets , trolleys or hoists , use them in preference to manual handling .


  13. TAKING SHELTER : Afghan workers employed to clean debris after a suicide attack took shelter underneath their wheel barrows Tuesday after a sudden downpour in Kabul , Afghanistan .


  14. The conventional and transgenic soybean meal diets were fed to barrows fitted with a simple T-cannula at distal ileum for collection of ileal chyme and feces .


  15. Outside almost every shop were barrows and ad hoc shelves loaded with second-hand volumes , while the windows behind them were stuffed with anything from pulp novels to rare tooled leather bindings .


  16. To probe the19 barrows ( at95.18 Kg body weight ) with A mode and B mode on the two sites and after slaughter , using the caliper testing the backfat thickness on the same sites .


  17. An experiment was conducted using a total of 30 crossbred ( Landrace x Large White ) weanling barrows averaging 9.5 kg BW and 35 d to investigate the effects of dietary Cu source and level on pituitary growth hormone ( GH ) mRNA levels .
