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  • n.动员令,恶骂;巴尼(罗马尼亚货币名)
  1. The chief of the people ; Parosh , Pahathmoab , Elam , Zatthu , Bani


  2. Bani Sadr does believe , however , that in the longer term , Iraq will seeks closer ties with Iran to increase its clout in the pan-Arab political arena .


  3. The children of Bani , six hundred and forty-two .


  4. The Bani walid Green resistance has killed hundreds of Rebels at Outskirt desert .


  5. Bani Walid tribal leader Abdul Qader Ganyeh was optimistic a confrontation could be avoided .


  6. He said most of the fighters are from Bani Walid , returning here to make sure they enter peacefully .


  7. I don 't have anything to offer right now , and I hope those brigades in Bani Walid to leave soon .


  8. He said most of the fighters are from Bani Walid , returning here to they enter peacefully .


  9. All day , armed pick-up trucks have been racing up and down the main road to the north of Bani Walid .


  10. Rebel forces in Libya say they 've now entered Bani Walid , one of only four towns still loyal to Colonel Gaddafi .


  11. In the meantime , there have been on and off negotiations with tribal leaders in Bani Walid .


  12. Pro-Gadhafi forces used heavy gunfire to repel NTC fighters Monday near the northern gate of the heavily fortified town of Bani Walid .


  13. The rebels say further rockets and artillery attacks on their positions today meant they had to respond and so the full battle for Bani Walid began .


  14. The Libyan opposition in Benghazi say that one of Colonel Gaddafi 's sons has been killed near Tripoli and has been buried near Bani Walid .


  15. Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah , Bani the Gadite


  16. A commander of the anti-Gadhafi forces , Abdel Salam Qanuna , says his men have surrounded Bani Walid .


  17. In the meantime , there have been on and off negotiations with tribal leaders in Bani Walid . Hopes are high there will be a peaceful resolution .


  18. Fighters loyal to the National Transitional Council in Libya , who are surrounding the desert town of Bani Walid , say talks with pro-Gaddafi forces there have failed .


  19. Forces loyal to the NTC continued to mass outside Bani Walid and Sirte Tuesday , giving his supporters until Saturday to lay down their arms or face an attack .


  20. Libya 's volunteer provisional authority fighters fled in chaos Sunday from the desert town of Bani Walid when pro-Gadhafi troops attacked their positions with mortars and sniper fire .


  21. Forces of Libya 's interim authority , the NTC , say they 've raised the country 's new flag over Bani Walid after securing control over almost all of the town from Gaddafi loyalists .


  22. Throughout the day , pick-up trucks carrying heavily armed rebel fighters sped along the road towards Bani Walid , the men inside flashing the V for victory sign and shouting " God is great . "


  23. Fighters loyal to Libya 's ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi continued Sunday to defend their strongholds of Bani Walid and Sirte , as their former rebel opponents struggle to gain ground .


  24. At a checkpoint north of Bani Walid , there appears to be a lull before any storm . Forces loyal to the National Transitional Council are poised at this Gadhafi-held town south of the capital .


  25. They say it happened in fighting just outside Tripoli and he 's been buried in the town of Bani Walid , where there 's currently a standoff between Gaddafi loyalists and opposition forces .


  26. The overseer also of the Levites at Jerusalem was Uzzi the son of Bani , the son of Hashabiah , the son of Mattaniah , the son of Micha .


  27. Uthai the son of Ammihud , the son of Omri , the son of Imri , the son of Bani , of the children of Pharez the son of Judah .


  28. Joshua , Bani , Kadmiel , Shebaniah , Bunni , Sherebiah , Bani and Chenani stood on the platform of the Levites and cried out with a loud voice to Yahweh , their God .
