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  1. Overall , Badoo found that men were still far more likely than women to make the first move , both in Spain and elsewhere .


  2. The 2000 men were polled by social network site Badoo to find out the features they find most attractive in the opposite sex .


  3. Badoo , which boasts 80 million registered users across more than 240 countries said it studied 90 million contacts made over a month .


  4. European princes are far more likely to romance both commoners and foreigners than are princes elsewhere , Badoo said .


  5. " Until now , the only known strategy for meeting a prince has been to kiss lots of frogs ," director of marketing at Badoo said .


  6. British women ranked 14th in the list of Badoo 's top 20 countries , while US women ranked second-last , just ahead of Ecuador .


  7. A Top Ten list compiled by the world 's most-used search engine includes British website Badoo , Spanish-language Hi5 , and US-based Facebook .


  8. Social network site Badoo has come up with the " Seven Golden Rules " on how to find a prince , after conducting a study of107 royal romances since World War II .


  9. Brazilians are ranked the second coolest nationality in the Badoo poll and the coolest Latin Americans , ahead of Mexicans and Argentinians .


  10. Target a top university , since princes are more likely to attend one . Best of all , target Cambridge , the only university in Badoo 's study to produce two royal romances , it said .


  11. The average Badoo user in Athens initiated 25.7 online flirtations per month -- over twice as many as in Rio ( 12.4 ) Warsaw ( 12.1 ) or Prague ( 12.6 ) and far more than in Paris ( 20.7 ) , London ( 19.0 ) , Berlin ( 17.7 ) or New York ( 16.1 ) .
