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Do the strict rules embraced by parents in the BabyCenter survey seem right , or too formal ?
The huge success of iPhone and iPad seem to be behind the new trend - BabyCenter describes the youngsters as ' iBabies ' .
" I was surprised to see how much of a pop culture influence we 're seeing on the list ," BabyCenter 's Editor in Chief Linda Murray said .
Among the reasons cited most often by parents , BabyCenter says , is that'the world is a more free-wheeling place , and they want to give their kids a stronger moral compass to guide them . '
The number of babies named after Apple products has soared - Apple , Siri and Mac have all risen in popularity as baby names this year , according to parenting advice site BabyCenter 's annual report .
Siri - the name of the ' personal assistant ' app on iPhone - has risen 5 % in popularity , and the name Apple has leapt 585 places up BabyCenter 's chart this year .