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  • 网络工作场所协议;侦察巡逻飞机;觉醒妇女会;哈华思;醒觉妇女团
  1. After therapy it was told that Awas non function bandage and B was function one .


  2. Since her love for him was refused , her lovedied awas .


  3. The aircraft being sold by Awas are two years old or less and Mr Li is unlikely to struggle to find finance in Hong Kong .


  4. Gene mensuration shows that the mutation of BMPR-IB lay in 746 locus , The Awas replaced by the G.


  5. Hybridoma cell line 15B_4 producing antibody against human blood group Awas cultured with cell culture perfusion in the bioreactor ( Celligen ) .


  6. A Foolish Man Buys Shoes There awas once a foolish man . One day he wanted to go to the market to buy a pair of new shoes .


  7. Reuters reported that Cheung Kong is also in talks to buy aircraft being sold by private equity firms including Terra Firma-owned lessor AWAS Aviation Capital Ltd , in an even bigger deal worth about $ 5 billion .


  8. In August , Cheung Kong said it was in talks to buy a $ 5bn fleet of 100 aircraft put up for sale by Awas , a European lessor owned by Terra Firma , the private equity group .
