- adj.激进的;先锋派的
- prep.在…之前

Essentials of Chinese Contemporary Avant - guard Poetry
The Intervention of Arts in Life : A Study on Peter Burger 's Theory of Avant garde
Not even excited anymore I just want the Bloodshy and Avant tracks .
Mixed media , very avant garde , so he says , but I haven 't seen anything .
There are footprints of modern architectural avant - couriers ;
Which of the following factors deactivates the electric rear hatch drive on the new Audi A6 Avant ?
John Cage , as a banner of the avant garde music , exerted significant influence on the music of twentieth century .
In Europe and America most people know this generation of Chinese artist under the name China Avant Garde because of the exhibition by that name in the early nineties .
Those prose of avant & garde and creative sprit pushes forward the frontier of the metropolitan prose in Taiwan to a refreshed new field .
Taking inspiration from cybernetics theories , avant garde playwrights , and Monty Python , he drew up plans for a building where nothing stayed in one place .
Thus bands like the flaming lips can build a name for themselves not only for Avant art rock , but for creating some of the most memorable merch around .
The vanguards are the main scorekeepers and the avant - couriers and fullbacks lack the consciousness of attacking and shooting ;
His enthusiasm for Avant Gard ideas was reflected in his associations with the Novembergruppe-and his architectural designs were already showing a fondness for glass skyscrapers .
Born in Bilbao to a father from B é arn and a mother from Andalusia , he introduced the French to the Spanish avant - garde before the war .
Action Art and Device Art , as a phenomenon of post Modernism , is an artistic manifestation of Avant garde artists who are trying to rebuild the theory , spirit , value and ways based on the spiritual ruins of society .
In Paul Gauguin 's autobiographical novel , " Avant et Apr è s , " he describes a disagreement between him and van Gogh in Arles after Gauguin decided to leave .
I am more used to castles where the pleasures are in the Grand Tour mould : places that offer the past up amid silences and scones - and where even an audioguide can seem daringly avant garde .