automatic frequency control

美 [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk ˈfriːkwənsi kənˈtroʊl]英 [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk ˈfriːkwənsi kənˈtrəʊl]
  • 网络自动频率控制;自动频率控制装置;自动频率控制功能;自动频率控制技术;自动频率微调
automatic frequency controlautomatic frequency control
  1. Design procedure of automatic frequency control system of radar


  2. A Novel Automatic Frequency Control System


  3. The Automatic Frequency Control of Power System with Serious Impact Load


  4. Analysis of the Behavior and Energy Saving of Automatic Frequency Control Pump


  5. A Study on the Automatic Frequency Control Circuit of the Reflective Klystron


  6. Automatic frequency control system tracking Bandwidth


  7. For welding thicker pieces , automatic frequency control should be adopted .


  8. Design of Automatic Frequency Control Loop in Tracking-Receiver of Satellite Communication


  9. Automatic frequency control transformer automatic voltage regulating relay


  10. Automatic frequency control transformer single-phase induction voltage regulator


  11. The development of model LW400 × 1200 of high-speed centrifuge with automatic frequency control system


  12. Automatic frequency control transformer radar AFC circuit


  13. The algorithm of cross product automatic frequency control ( CPAFC ) and frequency bin technology is used for tracking larger frequency deviation .


  14. In order to make the RF source and the waveguide have the same resonant frequency , the automatic frequency control ( AFC ) system is used .


  15. Based upon the same idea , circuits having remarkable advantages such as frequency difference polarity discriminator circuits and automatic frequency control circuits are also proposed .


  16. The microwave oscillator frequency is locked to the resonant frequency of loaded resonator by means of automatic frequency control ( AFC ) .


  17. Automatic frequency control ( AFC ) system is used to adjust the frequency of microwave power source to match the inherent frequency of acceleratory tube .


  18. A new automatic frequency control ( AFC ) scheme was proposed , which could be used for the receiver of LEO satellite communication system in continuous transmitting scenario .


  19. Automatic frequency control anti-surge system circumvents the limitations of the method of ordinary surge and provides a new approach to solve the surge of the counter rotary fan .


  20. The source consists of a microwave phase-locked loop and a new type of automatic frequency control circuit . Chief factors to influence spectrum purity of microwave output signal and phase noise are analyzed .


  21. Based on the analysis , a new AFC system based on self-optimizing control is proposed with the experience of experts . The paper generally analyses the basic principle of phased-locked discriminating automatic frequency control ( AFC ) system , and the problems faced in application .


  22. Either through the automatic frequency control system to control the running state of the fan , this system can prevent the occurrence of the surge of the counter rotary fan at any time , to avoid accidents caused by the surge of the counter rotary fan .


  23. The designed DCXO adopts Pierce architecture . The frequency drift correction is done by using a 6-bit automatic frequency control ( AFC ) signal generated by the feedback correction loop between the oscillator and the base band . The long term stable frequency output has been obtained .


  24. We adopt automatic sampling frequency control and dynamic sampling precision control so as to avoid mixed superposition as well as to ensure a larger measuring scope and higher precision .


  25. Automatic frequency and generation control system in Xinjiang power network


  26. Modeling Research on Automatic Load - Frequency Control of Interconnected Power Networks Based on MATLAB / SIMULINK


  27. This paper introduced a design method of the automatic frequency and power control of ship power station based on Canbus and DSP .


  28. According to the principle of automatic load - frequency control ( ALFC ), by using flexible , effective & graphical modeling provided by MATLAB , the model that simulates ALFC of two interconnected network is set up .


  29. The Design of Microstrip Directional Coupler with Automatic Directivity Tuning automatic frequency control transformer


  30. Automatic gain control ( AGC ) and automatic frequency control ( AFC ) were also integrated into the chip .
