authorized strength

美 [ˈɔːθəraɪzd streŋθ]英 [ˈɔːθəraɪzd streŋθ]
  • 核定兵力;编制人员;在编人数
authorized strengthauthorized strength
  1. Nurses had overloading work due to lack of authorized strength ;


  2. Criminal responsibility is borne according to the subject status and authorized strength .


  3. The major accomplishment of this time design is authorized strength one complete enter a bid file .


  4. Design is about the Changchun courtyard teaching building project of engineering science enter a bid the authorized strength of file .


  5. On the major dangerous , harmful foundation of analysis every unit have carried out dangerousness the in advance analysis authorized strength of table ;


  6. And it put forward that to increase the authorized strength of nursing staff and to strengthen management of related department can help to enhance nursing quality .


  7. The mission is at just over half its authorized strength of 8000 , and the two new battalions will bring it up to about 6000 .


  8. Encounter carry show or take the proof authorized strength that shows this kind to involve a bank to involve ready money again already to pay the evidence went .


  9. Primary health facilities have a widespread shortage of health professionals . And they cannot supplement the needs of the candidates in time , because of the constraints of recruitment rights , authorized strength and finance .


  10. Nun department Err Sic with Due the task in sports that reaches authorized strength directional and self directional questionnaire , for college student in physical education , ability consciousness and goal directional condition are investigated .


  11. After have carried out request of the cost of water project and bases on analysis of current quota system of water project and the current cost method of water project of authorized strength , this paper attempt solve 4 above-mentioned problems from foundation .


  12. On the foundation of the assessment technique of definite every appraisement unit , carry out the authorized strength of the appraisement index system of safe inspection table , the content of safe inspection table , safe standard and goal grade ;


  13. Along with the raising of investor reason level , investor and other financial information the solicitude of using for enterprise segment information level increasing raising , one channel for that combined information decomposes to reveal of the pass on world is the segment financial report of authorized strength .
