
  • adj.宫廷的;附属于皇家法庭的
  1. Robust PID Control of Vehicle Suspension with Nonlinear Electro-hydr aulic Actuator


  2. Selection and Change of Oil Used in Hydr - aulic System of Compact Rolling Mil


  3. This paper has a certain practical significance to the teaching and engineering practice in the field of Hydr - aulic Transmission and Control .


  4. Monotone Liveliness and Serious-minded Absurdness & Analysis for Busy Reason and Characters about " Aulic Drama about Qing Dynasty " on TV in China Recently


  5. Based on the filtrated effect and the theory of filtrated cake of hydr - aulic components , the relationship between hydraulic lock and contaminant start-up is analysed in this paper .


  6. Nanjing was one of the drama performance centers in Ming Dynasty . The primary action organizations were the aulic , the professional and the familial organizations . They were complement and bearded playing function together .


  7. To compare " Mongolian music " with Mongolian Shamanism music , Mongolian khan sacred music and folk songs , we may see that it is different from other aulic music and it is the development of the music production influenced by the Mongolian folk music .
